Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life Groundwork is a half-hour conversation that digs deeply into Scripture, the foundation for our lives. Each week, pastors Dave Bast (president of Words of Hope) and Scott Hoezee (director of CEP at Calvin Seminary) cultivate our understanding of God's Word by unpacking the richness of the Bible and applying it with insight to today's world. Christianity 2009-2025 Groundwork en-US Mon, 10 Mar 2025 01:02:18 -0500 Mon, 10 Mar 2025 01:02:18 -0500 60 ReFrame Ministries false Christianity, Christian, Scripture, Bible study, Theology, ReFrame, Media, Back to God Ministries, CRC, Christian Reformed Church, Groundwork, Scott Hoezee, Dave Bast, David Bast 152348 ReFrame Ministries Digging deeply into scripture to lay the foundation for our lives. Groundwork is a half-hour conversation that digs deeply into Scripture, the foundation for our lives. Each week, pastors Dave Bast (president of Words of Hope) and Scott Hoezee (director of CEP at Calvin Seminary) cultivate our understanding of God's Word by unpacking the richness of the Bible and applying it with insight to today's world. Paul's Second Journey: Jesus the Messiah and the Resurrection of the Dead On his second missionary journey, Paul carried the message of salvation and resurrection of the dead through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit led him to more than a dozen cities over the course of the four-year journey. Everywhere he went, Paul convinced Jews and Gentiles alike of the gospel message. But his work also stirred up opposition. Paul suffered ridicule, imprisonment, and physical harm as he shared the good news of Jesus. Paul’s preaching and encouragement recorded in Acts 15-18, provide us with theological clarity for our own efforts to share the gospel and remain faithful to Jesus Christ in all circumstances. 

Bible Study Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Acts 15:39-18:22 Paul’s preaching and encouragement recorded in Acts 15-18, provide us with theological clarity for our own efforts to share the gospel and remain faithful to Jesus Christ in all circumstances.
The Jerusalem Council: The Church Resolves Division and Seeks Unity As the church grew, Jewish believers disagreed about integrating new Gentile believers into the church. Must they become Jews first? Should they abide by all the laws and traditions of Jewish culture? What about the practice of circumcision? Paul discussed important theological implications with the other apostles, including Peter and James, to guide the growing church. Together, they sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit to resolve their division and seek unity. This Jerusalem Council reached pivotal conclusions that set the pattern for Paul’s subsequent missionary journeys and shaped the church's future. What they discovered about grace, unity, and God’s plan for his people guides the church to this day.

Bible Study Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Acts 15:1-38 The Jerusalem Council reached pivotal conclusions that set the pattern for Paul’s subsequent missionary journeys, shaped the church's future, and still guide the church to this day.
Paul's First Journey: The Gospel Spreads and the Church Grows The Apostle Paul's first missionary journey is recorded in Acts 13 and 14 and tells the story of how the gospel spread beyond Jewish communities to Gentiles. It’s a story of the Holy Spirit and the perseverance of the early church in the face of determined persecution. We are encouraged when we recognize parallels between Paul’s experiences and our modern efforts to partner with the Holy Spirit to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Bible Study Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Acts 13-14 Be encouraged by the parallels between Paul’s experiences and our modern efforts to partner with the Holy Spirit to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
God's Design for Sex and Relationships We don’t have to look far to find examples of broken relationships. Many of us have our own stories, and almost all of us know someone with a story of brokenness, betrayal, or abuse. The Song of Songs offers us a vision of relationships in stark contrast to the self-serving models we see around us in culture. The celebration of intimacy in the Song of Song shows us that God’s design for love and sex is deeply rooted in his own character and filled with self-sacrifice, mutuality, commitment, delight, and respect. 

Bible Study Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Song of Songs 3-8 The celebration of intimacy in the Song of Song shows us that God’s design for love and sex is deeply rooted in his own character and filled with self-sacrifice, mutuality, commitment, delight, and respect.
A Beautiful Celebration of Love and Intimacy We do not often hear sermons on the Song of Songs. But this book of love poetry in the Bible helps us understand God’s perspective on love, intimacy, and sex. As we study the passionate exchange between two lovers, we uncover themes of intense desire, the constant seeking and finding of each other, and the celebration of romantic love and physical intimacy. The Song of Songs helps us see the truth that love and sex are divine gifts from God and part of his design for us. 

Bible Study Fri, 07 Feb 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Song of Songs 1-2 The Song of Songs helps us see the truth that love and sex are divine gifts from God and part of his design for us.
Jesus Prays for Us Before his death, Jesus prayed for himself, his disciples, and finally, all believers in the future—including all of us today. When we study Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, we witness the depth of his love for us as he prays for us to experience unity, the Father’s love, and for the world to know God through our lives. Together, let’s discuss what it means to live in the reality of Jesus’ prayer, how it shapes our relationships, and how we can reflect the transformative power of God’s love to others. 

Bible Study Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no John 17:20-26 When we study Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, we witness the depth of his love for us as he prays for us to experience unity, the Father’s love, and for the world to know God through our lives.
Jesus Prays for His Disciples Offering his High Priestly Prayer, Jesus interceded on behalf of his disciples, praying for their protection, unity, joy, and sanctification. Together, let’s discuss what his prayer meant for his disciples then, what it means for us as his disciples today, living as sanctified people in a world that doesn’t always welcome our faith. 

Bible Study Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no John 17:6-19 Let’s study Jesus' prayer and discuss what it meant for his disciples then, and what it means for us as his disciples today.
When Jesus Prays How do you pray when you know you’re about to face something hard? Facing his imminent death, Jesus prayed to be glorified. As we begin our study of Jesus’ prayer in John 17, we’ll discuss the background and context of Jesus’ prayer and why Christians commonly refer to it as his “High Priestly Prayer.” Then we’ll examine the opening verses that record his petition to the Father to glorify him so that he might glorify the Father. Together, we’ll unpack the meaning of Jesus’ words and the implications of his prayer for our own lives.

Bible Study Fri, 17 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no John 17:1-5 Let's unpack the meaning of what Jesus asked the Father for as he began to pray and the implications of his prayer for our own lives.
Repentance, Forgiveness, and Sin's Consequences Does God still punish us for our sins, even though through Jesus he has already forgiven all our sins? We may ask ourselves this question when confronted by the fallout of our own sins. As we continue our study of the story of David and Bathsheba, the Bible helps us understand the relationship between the consequences of sin, our repentance, and God’s forgiveness. In 2 Samuel 12, God sends his prophet Nathan to confront King David about his sins. As we study their exchange, we witness God’s mercy in action and discover important differences between punishment and consequence in the light of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. 

Bible Study Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 2 Samuel 12 God sends his prophet Nathan to confront King David about his sins. As we study their exchange, we witness God’s mercy in action and discover important differences between punishment and consequence in the light of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
Learning from the Sins of King David What was I thinking? How did I let this happen? We usually ask these questions when a choice we make leads to unwanted consequences. In the biblical story of David and Bathsheba, we find a sobering reminder of the destructive power of sin and our deep need for God’s grace. In his complacency and desperation, David compounds sin upon sin in a series of unsuccessful attempts to use his power as king to cover up his wrongdoing. Our study of David’s fall and the consequences of his actions illuminates our path toward honesty, repentance, and a life that pleases the Lord. Ultimately, we’ll discover hope that only God can provide. 

Bible Study Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 2 Samuel 11 Studying David’s fall from grace, the consequences of his actions, and his journey illuminates our own path toward honesty, repentance, and a life that pleases the Lord.
Your Questions about Scripture and Hope Having questions is a natural part of our faith. Asking questions helps us clarify what we believe and what it means to live as Christians in the world. In this episode, we consider some of the questions you asked in response to our series on the Lord’s Prayer, Joshua, and Revelation. Then we’ll discuss issues that some of our listeners have shared that are most pressing for their faith right now. We’ll look at the Scriptures to find the hope and encouragement we need to live faithfully each day. 

Bible Study Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Matthew 6:9-13 / 2 Timothy 3:16-17 / Hebrews 11:13-16 / Revelation 20:1-6 / John 15:18-25 / Psalm 46 In this episode, we consider some of the questions you asked in response to our series on the Lord’s Prayer, Joshua, and Revelation. Then we’ll discuss issues that some of our listeners have shared that are most pressing for their faith right now.
Jesus: Our Prince of Peace As we celebrate Christmas and re-tell the story of baby Jesus—the Savior of the world born in a lowly manger—may we also remember that he is the one the prophet Isaiah called the “Prince of Peace.” As we study the story of Jesus’ birth, we will reflect on the real need for this peace in our lives today. Together, we will dig into Scripture to discover the deep and meaningful shalom that Jesus brought to us in his birth, a peace that he promises to establish permanently when he returns. It’s this peace that we share as his witnesses to the world. 

Bible Study Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Isaiah 9:6 / Psalm 137 / Isaiah 49:6 / Isaiah 53:4-12 / Ephesians 2:14-19 / Luke 2:1-21 Let's dig into Scripture to discover the deep and meaningful shalom that Jesus brought to us in his birth, a peace that he promises to establish permanently when he returns, and that we can share now as his witnesses to the world.
Jesus: Our Everlasting Father The prophet Isaiah continued to reveal the nature of the coming Messiah when he prophesied that he would be the “Everlasting Father.” Join us as we discuss how our understanding of the Triune God clarifies how the Son of God can also be our Everlasting Father. Together, let’s prepare our hearts to celebrate Christmas with an Advent reflection on the true nature of a father as revealed to us in both the Old and New Testaments. We’ll better understand how this extraordinary title reveals the nature of Jesus and discover the comfort and belonging he brings to us.

Bible Study Fri, 13 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Isaiah 9:6 / Isaiah 63:15-16 / John 14:6-14 / 1 John 1:1-4 / 1 John 3:1-3 Let's discuss how our understanding of the Triune God clarifies how Jesus is our Everlasting Father and together, we'll discover the comfort and belonging he brings us.
Jesus: Our Mighty God The words of the prophet Isaiah offered hope during one of the lowest points in the history of Israel. As God’s people faced exile, Isaiah identified their Messiah as “Mighty God;” the one coming to save them would be more powerful than the enemies that persecuted them. We now know that the Messiah Isaiah prophesied about is Jesus Christ. As we look toward Christmas, we dig into Scripture to discover what the title “Mighty God” communicates to us about Jesus. Together we examine  Christ’s character and deeds and explore how his presence as a helpless baby displayed the awesomeness of God’s power. We discover how the promise of our “Mighty God” continues to give us hope as we anticipate Christ’s return. 

Bible Study Fri, 06 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Isaiah 9:6 / Isaiah 10:21 / Acts 1:6-8 / Revelation 5:6,11-14 Let Scripture reveal the truth of Christ’s deeds and character, and explore with us how his presence as a helpless baby displays—not the smallness, but the awesomeness of God’s power.
Jesus: Our Wonderful Counselor In Isaiah 9:6, the first title the prophet Isaiah gives to the coming Messiah is “Wonderful Counselor.” Join us as we dig into Scripture to discover what this title communicates about Jesus and how it connects to the biblical wisdom tradition. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we will discuss what it means that Jesus is the wisdom of God and is, therefore, a wonderful counselor whose guidance, when we seek and follow it with humility, keeps us on the right path.

Bible Study Fri, 29 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Isaiah 9:6 / Proverbs 1:1-7 / 1 Corinthians 1:18-24 / Colossians 1:15-19 As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let's discuss what it means that Jesus is the wisdom of God and therefore, truly is a wonderful counselor whose guidance, when we seek and follow it with humility, will keep us on the right path.
Your Questions about Christmas Did the Christmas story really happen? Wasn’t Christmas originally a pagan holiday? Why do some churches celebrate Advent? Join Groundwork as we dig into Scripture to answer commonly asked questions about Christmas and Advent. 

Bible Study Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Luke 2:1-7 / John 1:5 / Isaiah 53:4-6 / Psalm 78:1-6 Did the Christmas story really happen? Wasn’t Christmas originally a pagan holiday? Why do some churches celebrate Advent? Dig into Scripture with us to answer commonly asked questions about Christmas and Advent.
The Day of the Lord Have you ever wondered what will happen when Jesus Christ returns? Whether you call it the Day of the Lord, Judgment Day, or the Second Coming, all these titles refer to the time and events of Christ’s return to earth. The early Christians waited expectantly for Christ’s second coming, but when he didn’t appear, scoffers planted seeds of doubt among the believers. Concluding his second letter to the believers in Asia Minor, the apostle Peter encouraged them to view life through the lens of eternity patiently. Join us as we reflect on God’s divine timing and patience and learn from Peter how we can live holy, purposeful lives in light of the coming Day of the Lord.

Bible Study Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 2 Peter 3 Join us as we reflect on God’s divine timing and patience, and learn from Peter what we should expect and how we can live holy, purposeful lives in light of the coming Day of the Lord.
Be On Guard: False Teaching and Its Consequences We will always experience pressure to compromise our faith in Jesus Christ. The apostle Peter urged the early Christians to remain vigilant against deceptive influences and trust that God would ultimately hold false teachers accountable for their deceit. In our world today, we continue to deal with false teachers who distort the truth of the gospel and seek to lead believers astray. Together, we’ll study how Peter’s ardent defense of the gospel helps us stay rooted in God’s truth, learn discernment through the Holy Spirit, and live lives that fully align with the teachings of Christ.

Bible Study Fri, 08 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0600 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 2 Peter 2 Let's study how Peter’s ardent defense of the gospel helps us stay rooted in God’s truth, learn discernment through the Holy Spirit, and live lives that fully align with the teachings of Christ.
Growing in Our Salvation and Recognizing Truth Do you ever feel like God asks the impossible of us? The apostle Peter reminds us that we need to rely on God’s divine power to live godly lives. The Holy Spirit nurtures virtues like goodness, self-control, and perseverance in us, empowering us to grow in our salvation. This, and the authority of Scripture, equips us to recognize truth, resist cultural pressures, and persevere in our faith, distinct as followers of Jesus Christ. 

Bible Study Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 2 Peter 1 Do you ever feel like God asks the impossible of us? The apostle Peter reminds us that we need to rely on God’s divine power to live godly lives.
How to Live as Christians In closing his first letter to the early Christians, Peter offers some final advice that remains valuable for us today. Peter urged his readers to remain vigilant in their faith and act with love and humility. Speaking to their anxiety, he assured them that God indeed cared and that he would ultimately have the final say. Today, we can stand firm in our faith because we are not alone; in everything, it is the God of all glory who calls us, restores us, and makes us strong. 

Bible Study Fri, 25 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 1 Peter 4-5 Listen to Peter's final advice about faith, love, humility, anxiety, and the source of our confidence and strength.
Encouragement When We Suffer for Being Christians Have you ever been tempted to hide your faith for fear of judgment or ridicule? By studying the words of the apostle Peter, we’ll find courage in the grace of Jesus Christ to remain faithful to the gospel in the face of injustice and suffering. In his letter to the early Christians, Peter reminds us that we have the strength to live this way because Christ lived this way first.

Bible Study Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 1 Peter 3 Find courage in the grace of Jesus Christ to remain faithful to the gospel in the face of injustice and suffering.
What it Means to be God's Chosen People As humans, we long for significance and the sense that our lives have value. This is especially acute when we’re experiencing suffering. When we’re through challenging times, we may find ourselves wondering: “Does my life matter? Am I making a difference?” But the apostle Peter confidently proclaims that all who have put their trust in the gospel of Jesus Christ have value and purpose. As we study 1 Peter 2, we’ll see how Peter comforts Christians experiencing suffering by affirming their identities in Christ and their intrinsic value as God’s chosen people. 

Bible Study Fri, 11 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 1 Peter 2:4-25 See how Peter comforts Christians experiencing suffering by affirming their identities in Christ and their intrinsic value as God’s chosen people.
Live a Holy Life Set Apart for God When the culture we live in seems to restrict our faith to a list of rules focused on what we shouldn’t do, the apostle Peter challenges believers to embrace godly behavior that produces God-honoring fruit because we are grateful for our salvation in Jesus Christ. Learn what it means to live a holy life, set apart by God for his purposes, and how dwelling in God’s Word provides the spiritual sustenance needed for an active faith that flows naturally from us in all circumstances. 

Bible Study Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 1 Peter 1:13-2:3 Learn what it means to live a holy life, set apart by God for his purposes, and how dwelling in God’s Word provides the spiritual sustenance needed for an active faith that flows naturally from us in all circumstances.
Praise God for Our Living Hope Life is full of ups and downs: times of great joy and seasons of significant hardship. When early Christians faced mockery, persecution, and forced dispersion, the apostle Peter wrote to encourage them that even in suffering we have reason for great joy: our living hope and identity in Jesus Christ. This remains true for us today. Discover the incredible value of our faith as Peter opens his letter by praising God for the living hope and inheritance we receive as a direct result of our faith in Jesus Christ. 

Bible Study Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 1 Peter 1:1-12 Discover the incredible value of our faith as Peter opens his letter by praising God for the living hope and inheritance we receive as a direct result of our faith in Jesus Christ.
Dry Bones and God's Promises of Restoration Have you ever felt so hopeless that the idea of experiencing or attaining anything remotely good seemed impossible and out of reach? It’s during similar moments of hopelessness in the book of Ezekiel that God interrupts his messages of judgment with powerful images of restoration. In Ezekiel, God famously depicts Israel’s sinful condition as a valley of dry bones. But in this vision, the bones amazingly do not stay dead. Slowly, death is reversed and beyond all reason and logic, the dry, dead bones are restored to life. The bones were not lost forever and through this vision, God was promising restoration for Israel. Join us in studying the hope-filled imagery of this and other restorative visions in Ezekiel and be reminded of just how great God’s love is for his people, how seriously he takes his promises, and how deeply we can trust that one day God will restore us fully too.

Bible Study Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Ezekiel 37, 47 Study the hope-filled imagery of Ezekiel's restorative visions to be assured that our condition is not hopeless and we can trust God's promise to restore us once again.
Understanding God's Judgment Judgment and consequences can feel unfair. They can even feel mean, especially when we don’t understand why they’re occurring. The prophet Ezekiel received many messages of judgment for Israel—so many that, at times, when reading the book of Ezekiel it can feel like God’s judgment is relentless. But by studying these judgments, we can learn about the character of God and better understand where God’s judgment comes from, what it means, why it’s necessary, and why it’s also a source of grace. 

Bible Study Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Ezekiel 14, 22 By studying God's judgments on Israel in the book of Ezekiel, we can learn about the character of God and better understand where God’s judgment comes from, what it means, why it’s necessary, and why it’s also a source of grace.
God's Presence with His People God delights in dwelling among his people, but in a vision, God shows Ezekiel one of the most painful consequences of Israel’s unholy ways: God’s glory must depart from Israel’s midst. Studying this vision gives us the opportunity to reflect on the relationship between our behavior and God’s reputation. It also reminds us that God does not leave us without hope. Even as God grieved and gave Ezekiel a painful message about consequences, he promised his glory would one day return and dwell among his people again. A promise we now know God kept in Jesus Christ and continues to keep through the presence of the Holy Spirit today.

Bible Study Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Ezekiel 10-11, 36 Studying Ezekiel's vision of God's glory departing from Israel's midst gives us the opportunity to reflect on the relationship between our behavior and God’s reputation, and it reminds us that God does not leave us without hope.
Dramatic Messages from God One defining characteristic of Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry is the visual nature of the messages he received from God. In the book of Ezekiel, God repeatedly gives his prophet both a verbal message and instructions on how to also convey that message visually. God goes to these lengths because he wants his people to see the consequences of sin and rebellion and to help the people understand why exile was necessary. Through Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry, we witness God’s heartbreak and grief. We discover he is not an angry God, but rather a God who deeply loves his people and goes through great effort to get their attention. 

Bible Study Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Ezekiel 4-7, 12 God goes to great lengths to get the attention of his people. Studying Ezekiel's verbal and dramatic visual messages reminds us of the consequences of sin and rebellion, helps us understand why it must be this way, and shows us God's broken, but persistent heart.
Called to be God's Prophet It can be hard, even shocking to follow God’s call on our lives.  Join Groundwork as we study the story of Ezekiel’s call to ministry as a prophet of God. We’ll see Ezekiel wrestle with his calling and listen as God warns of the difficulty Ezekiel will face speaking truth to an audience of people that don’t want to hear his message. Together, we can learn from Ezekiel’s experience and discuss what it means to be called, to be a prophet, and to speak truth in a hostile context. All while we’ll also examine our own hearts by asking: Are we receptive to God’s truth or rebellious like Israel?

Bible Study Fri, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Ezekiel 1-3 By studying the story of Ezekiel's call to ministry, we can learn from Ezekiel’s experience and discuss what it means to be called, to be a prophet, and to speak truth in a hostile context. All while we’ll also examine our own hearts by asking: Are we receptive to God’s truth or rebellious like Israel?
God Makes All Things New The fourth major theme of the Bible is that of consummation, the time when God will complete his redemptive plan and make all creation new. Join us as we study biblical passages that describe a future where God’s presence eradicates suffering and evil, and brings justice and eternal joy. We’ll talk about what the hope of consummation means for us as we live in anticipation of the ultimate restoration of creation while persevering in God’s work of love and justice now.

Bible Study Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Revelation 21:1-5 / Matthew 19:28 / Romans 8:18-21 / Ephesians 2:19-22 Join us as we study biblical passages that describe a future where God’s presence eradicates suffering and evil, and brings justice and eternal joy.
God Redeems The biblical theme of redemption is unique to Christian theology and sets Christianity apart from other religions. Join us as we trace God’s story of redemption from Genesis through the Old Testament to the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. Together, we’ll learn how our loving God sent his only Son to accomplish our salvation, without expecting anything from us first. We’ll discuss distinctives of depravity, election, and grace as articulated by the confessions in the Reformed faith tradition. Reflecting on the transformative power of God’s redemptive work, we’ll talk about living redeemed lives as we go about our daily lives. 

Bible Study Fri, 09 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Genesis 12:1-5 / Ephesians 1:3-11 / Galatians 2:20-21 / Ephesians 2:1-5 Join us as we trace God’s story of redemption from Genesis through the Old Testament to the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Humanity Falls Just after the story of creation, the Bible tells us the story of humanity’s fall. The immediate result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden was alienation from God and relational discord. It released sin and brokenness into the world with all the strife, suffering, and decay we see around us to this day. Together, let’s examine the second major theme of the Bible, the Christian doctrine of the fall. Drawn from both Old and New Testament Scriptures, this theme emphasizes the catastrophic impact of sin on humanity and creation and clearly articulates our universal need for a Savior in Jesus Christ. 

Bible Study Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Genesis 2-3 / Romans 5:12 / Romans 8:20-22 / Romans 3:9-23 Drawn from both Old and New Testament Scriptures, the second major theme of the Bible—the Christian doctrine of the fall—emphasizes the catastrophic impact of sin on humanity and creation and clearly articulates our universal need for a Savior in Jesus Christ.
God Creates The Bible begins with an origin story: God’s creation of our world and of us, his image bearers. It’s a story that introduces us to our loving Creator God and the theme of creation that echoes throughout the Bible. Join us as we study the creation theme and discuss what it reveals to us about God’s character, love, and intentions. We’ll marvel at God’s acts of creation, ponder creation as God’s temple, and consider our call to reflect God’s creativity with our own as bearers of his image. 

Bible Study Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Genesis 1 / Revelation 21:22-24 / Psalm 139:13-14 / Hebrews 1:1-3 / Colossians 1:15-17 Join us as we study the creation theme and discuss what it reveals to us about God’s character, love, and intentions.
The Trinity in Worship, Prayer, and Daily Life The Christian belief in the Holy Trinity significantly influences our worship, prayer, and daily living. As we reflect on the Lord’s Prayer, the Great Commission, and the apostolic teachings in the New Testament, we see how these biblical truths shape our worship and prayer. Together, let’s discuss the implications of our trinitarian theology on our sanctification and Christian community. Along the way, we will witness the essential work of our triune God in every aspect of our lives. 

Bible Study Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Matthew 28:19 / 2 Corinthians 13:14 / Hebrews 4:14-16 / Romans 8:26-35 / Acts 2:42 Let's study scripture to better grasp the implications of our trinitarian theology for our sanctification and Christian community and witness the essential work of our triune God in every aspect of our lives.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Within the triune nature of God, each person of the Trinity is distinct from the others. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each have important traits, attributes, and roles. Three persons, united as One. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must accept the Trinity as a mystery. Yet, we can study Scripture to better understand the nature of each person of the Trinity and the awesome phenomena of their unity as One. Together, let’s discuss what this reality means for our faith, what we believe, and how it transforms our worship and daily Christian living.

Bible Study Fri, 12 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Deuteronomy 1:31 / Psalm 103 / Matthew 6:9-14, 25-34 / John 1:1-3 / Hebrews 4:15-16 / Philippians 2:5-8 / 2 Corinthians 13:14 / Genesis 1:2 / John 14:16-17 We must accept the Trinity as a mystery. Yet, we can study Scripture to better understand the nature of each person of the Trinity and the awesome phenomena of their unity as One.
The Triune God of the Bible Christians believe there is only one God. Since its beginning, the Christian faith has always been monotheistic. But after Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, early Christian teachers recognized the divinity of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit and formulated the doctrine of the Trinity to encapsulate these truths. Join us as we explore passages in both the Old and New Testaments that provide the rich foundation for our belief in the Holy Trinity. Together, we’ll discuss how the Church creeds have helped us articulate this mystery, aiming to give believers a deeper understanding and experience of God's triune nature.

Bible Study Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Deuteronomy 6:4-5 / Matthew 3:13-17 / Matthew 28:16-20 Explore passages in both the Old and New Testaments that provide the rich foundation for our belief in the Holy Trinity.
Adopt the Mindset of Christ As Christians, many of us long to make the world a better place. When we want to effect real change in the world, we may be tempted to seek the power or position to make it happen. Whether or not we serve in the public sector, turning to Scripture to weigh our motivations and guide our methods will help us find the most Christlike way forward. Join us as we examine the servant mindset that Jesus modeled throughout his ministry to help us understand the relationship between the Christian Church and political power.

Bible Study Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Philippians 2:1-11 / Matthew 22:15-45 / 1 Peter 2:21-23 / Matthew 20:24-28 Study the servant mindset that Jesus modeled throughout his ministry to help us understand the relationship between the Christian Church and political power.
Christian Engagement in Societal Issues Should Christians engage in politics? What about issues of social justice? Together, let’s delve into the complexities of Christian engagement in societal issues. We’ll examine Scripture to uncover practical wisdom that empowers us to stand for righteousness while navigating the intricacies of governmental authority.  Join us as we acknowledge the tension between complacency and courage and discern together what it means to embrace our role in shaping a more just and God-honoring society.

Bible Study Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Romans 13:1-7 / 1 Peter 2:13-17 / Romans 3:10-12 / James 2:1-9 Examine Scripture to uncover practical wisdom that empowers us to stand for righteousness while navigating the complexities of Christian engagement in society.
Christian Civility Defending Our Faith without Being Defensive How do we disagree without being disagreeable? How do we handle conflicts when people slander or talk against us? Everywhere we turn, it seems as if our culture encourages division. It feels like there is little room for civil debate on nearly any topic, and confrontation and hatred of those with different viewpoints are becoming normal. Even when our faith is challenged, the Bible urges Christians to respond differently than the world would expect. Join us as we seek biblical wisdom for navigating a divisive culture in faithful and Christlike ways.

Bible Study Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no 1 Peter 3:8-17 / Titus 3:1-11 Even when our faith is challenged, the Bible urges Christians to respond differently than the world would expect. Join us as we seek biblical wisdom for navigating a divisive culture in faithful and Christlike ways.
How to Live in Christ Throughout the book of Galatians, Paul makes it very clear that we can’t do anything to earn our salvation. So, do our actions and behavior even matter? Keeping laws and customs won’t benefit our salvation at all, but that doesn’t mean our actions don’t matter. Paul explains the importance of freedom with limits. These limits empower us to serve each other in love. Paul reminds believers that faith in Jesus Christ has the power to transform our lives and that we should live accordingly. Join us as we close our study of Galatians by examining Paul’s description of how to live in Christ. Together we’ll discuss the Fruits of the Spirit and what grateful Christian living looks like as we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Bible Study Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Galatians 5-6 Examine Paul’s description of how to live in Christ, the Fruits of the Spirit, and what grateful Christian living looks like as we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the Purpose of God's Law In Galatians 3 and 4, Paul continues to impress upon the new believers in Galatia that salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by their works nor by their ability to follow the Mosaic law. Paul explores in depth the contrasting paths of legalism and freedom in faith.  As we study Paul’s teaching, we discover that God gave us his law to protect and guide us, not to save us. Together, let’s hear Paul’s loving heart as he urges the Galatians, and consequently, us to stay focused on Christ, to embrace our identity as God’s children, and to find our unity as believers in Christ. 

Bible Study Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Galatians 3-4 Hear Paul’s loving heart as he urges the Galatians, and consequently, us to stay focused on Christ, to embrace our identity as God’s children, and to find our unity as believers in Christ.
The Cross of Jesus is the Only Way As Paul continues his letter to the Galatian Christians, he continues to address their confusion about salvation. He tells them that the esteemed leaders in Jerusalem affirmed Paul’s message of salvation and his calling to preach to the Gentiles.  He reiterates that Jewish customs like circumcision are not required for salvation. Then he publicly confronts the apostle Peter for his hypocritical behavior which had become a stumbling block for new believers.  Studying Galatians 2 underscores the importance of Paul’s emphatic message that the cross of Jesus is the only way to salvation. Join us to explore the struggle the apostles faced as the Christian faith spread, and along the way find the courage to embody the truth of salvation in your relationships and daily life. 

Bible Study Fri, 24 May 2024 00:00:00 -0500 ReFrame Ministries 25:00 no Galatians 2 Explore the struggle the apostles faced as the Christian faith spread, and along the way find the courage to embody the truth of salvation in your relationships and daily life.