1 Peter: Christian Identity and Keeping Faith while Suffering

by Courtney Jacob
Sep 28, 2024

Have you ever been super excited and inspired by your experience at a retreat or conference? But then once you get home and try to retain that excitement in the midst of daily life, you find it waning as the days go by because the environment is no longer conducive, the people around you aren’t supportive, or you don’t have the same energy or resources available. Remaining steadfast in our faith can be difficult in everyday life, especially if we experience suffering as a result. Join Groundwork for our series, “1 Peter: Christian Identity and Keeping Faith while Suffering,” as we glean biblical wisdom and encouragement for staying true to our Christian identity from a letter the apostle Peter wrote to first-century believers.

Background and Context

As first-century believers became convinced of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, their lives were transformed. But they also found themselves subject to mockery and persecution because of their new faith in Jesus. This experience also forced a dispersion of believers who left their homes and lived in exile. Most scholars agree that the apostle Peter is the author of the epistle 1 Peter and that he wrote it to teach and encourage these believers experiencing suffering. While the letter itself does not specify where Peter was when he wrote it, many scholars believe he was in Rome. 

There are two main recurring themes throughout 1 Peter: identity and suffering. Peter recognized that the dispersed Christians needed encouragement, so he reminded them who they were in Christ and who they were called to be. He wrote to them about what that meant for how they lived and responded to their circumstances. Peter also recognized their suffering and provided guidance for how they should respond and behave in light of their identity in Christ. 

1 Peter for Christians Today

Christians around the world today have varied experiences when it comes to suffering for their faith. But the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to transform lives and we will each encounter situations in which we need to actively choose to remain steadfast in our faith. Studying 1 Peter reminds us of the hope we have in Christ and affirms our Christian identity. Peter’s teachings for living holy lives and what it means to live as God’s chosen people shed light and provide guidance, which continues to be relevant to believers today. 

I invite you to discover assurance and confidence for your faith through our Groundwork series, “1 Peter: Christian Identity and Keeping Faith while Suffering”:

...and together we’ll gain valuable insight into our Christian identity, be encouraged to remain steadfast in our faith even when we experience suffering because of it, and be reminded of our living hope as God’s chosen people. 


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