Recent Series

1 Peter: Christian Identity and Keeping Faith While Suffering

In this Groundwork series, we’ll study the epistle of 1 Peter to gain valuable insight into our Christian identity, encouragement to remain steadfast in our faith even when we experience suffering, and assurance of our living hope as God’s chosen people.

The Four Major Themes of the Bible

In this Groundwork series, we’ll examine the Scriptures to see how all the stories, prophecies, poems, and letters give shape to four major themes: creation, the fall, redemption, and consummation.

July 26, 2024

August 2, 2024

August 9, 2024

August 16, 2024

Past Series

The Holy Trinity

July 5, 2024 - July 19, 2024

Christians in Society

June 14, 2024 - June 28, 2024

The Minor Prophets: God's Judgment and Hope

April 5, 2024 - May 10, 2024

Christlike Virtues

January 5, 2024 - February 9, 2024

The Nature of Jesus Our Messiah

December 1, 2023 - December 22, 2023

Romans: God's Salvation Plan and Us

October 20, 2023 - November 24, 2023

Daniel: Trusting God's Sovereignty

September 8, 2023 - October 13, 2023

The Lord's Prayer

June 9, 2023 - July 14, 2023

Journey Through Holy Week

March 24, 2023 - April 7, 2023

Revelation: A Comfort for Believers

February 10, 2023 - March 17, 2023

Joshua: God Keeps His Promises and Provides for His People

December 30, 2022 - February 3, 2023

The Cast of Christmas

November 25, 2022 - December 23, 2022

Ezekiel: A Message of Judgment and Hope

October 21, 2022 - November 18, 2022

The Sermon on the Mount: Famous Teachings of Jesus

August 19, 2022 - September 23, 2022

The Cross of Jesus

March 4, 2022 - April 15, 2022

Ecclesiastes: Wisdom for Life

February 11, 2022 - February 25, 2022

Christmas Hope and the Women in Jesus' Family Tree

November 26, 2021 - December 24, 2021

Jonah: A Story of God's Relentless Love and Abundant Mercy

October 29, 2021 - November 19, 2021

The Ten Commandments

August 20, 2021 - October 8, 2021

Change is Inevitable, but God is Constant

July 30, 2021 - August 13, 2021

1 Corinthians: How Faith Informs Our Daily Lives

June 11, 2021 - July 23, 2021

Growth in Christian Discipleship

May 14, 2021 - June 4, 2021

Spiritual Disciplines, Part 2: Healthy Habits for Life

January 1, 2021 - February 12, 2021

The Incarnation: What it Means and Why it Matters

November 27, 2020 - December 18, 2020

The Gospel of John

October 9, 2020 - November 20, 2020

Leviticus: How to Live in God's Presence

September 11, 2020 - October 2, 2020

Biblical Advice for Living Faithfully in Trying Times

August 14, 2020 - September 4, 2020

The Apostles' Creed: What Christians Believe

March 6, 2020 - May 22, 2020

Jesus' Ministry

February 7, 2020 - February 28, 2020

Esther: Living Faithfully in an Unfaithful Culture

January 24, 2020 - January 31, 2020

Light in a Dark World

January 3, 2020 - January 17, 2020

Now What? Rebuilding When Life Falls Apart

November 1, 2019 - November 22, 2019

What Does it Mean to Be the Church?

September 13, 2019 - October 11, 2019

Finding Strength and Support in Scripture

July 26, 2019 - August 16, 2019

The Gospel of Mark

June 14, 2019 - July 19, 2019

2 Thessalonians

May 24, 2019 - June 7, 2019

Good Friday and Easter in Matthew

April 12, 2019 - April 20, 2019

Judges: God's Enduring Commitment

March 8, 2019 - April 5, 2019

Unsung Virtues

February 8, 2019 - March 1, 2019

1 Thessalonians

January 4, 2019 - February 1, 2019

The Christmas Thread

November 30, 2018 - December 21, 2018

I Belong to Jesus

November 2, 2018 - November 23, 2018

The Beginning

September 28, 2018 - October 26, 2018

Job and the Problem of Suffering

July 20, 2018 - August 17, 2018

Jesus: the Lion and the Lamb

July 6, 2018 - July 13, 2018

The Fruit of the Spirit

May 4, 2018 - June 29, 2018

The Last Teachings of Christ

February 16, 2018 - March 31, 2018

Epiphany and God's Mission

January 5, 2018 - February 9, 2018

And He Shall be Called: How Isaiah Describes the Messiah

December 1, 2017 - December 29, 2017

Salvation: Five Insights from the Reformation

September 29, 2017 - October 27, 2017

The Essence of Proverbs

September 15, 2017 - September 22, 2017

The Parables of Jesus

July 28, 2017 - September 8, 2017

When God Calls

June 30, 2017 - July 21, 2017

Life After Death

April 21, 2017 - May 5, 2017

Words from the Cross

March 3, 2017 - April 14, 2017


February 3, 2017 - February 24, 2017

Who is Jesus Christ?

January 6, 2017 - January 27, 2017

The Holy Sacraments

November 11, 2016 - November 25, 2016

Basic Christianity

October 7, 2016 - November 4, 2016

The Justice Calling

September 9, 2016 - September 30, 2016

Learning from Elijah

July 29, 2016 - August 19, 2016

2 Corinthians

June 17, 2016 - July 22, 2016

Work Faithfully

May 20, 2016 - June 10, 2016

Recognizing Christ in the Prophecies of Isaiah

February 12, 2016 - March 26, 2016


January 1, 2016 - February 5, 2016

Advent Waiting

December 3, 2015 - December 24, 2015

New Testament Memos

November 6, 2015 - November 27, 2015


October 2, 2015 - October 30, 2015

The Trustworthiness of the Bible

July 17, 2015 - July 24, 2015

The 5 Faithful Sayings

June 12, 2015 - July 10, 2015

A Reformed Perspective on the Book of James

April 24, 2015 - June 5, 2015

Bad News/Good News Texts of the Bible

February 20, 2015 - March 20, 2015

The Greatest Commandment

February 6, 2015 - February 13, 2015

Spiritual Disciplines

December 26, 2014 - January 30, 2015

Advent - Christmas

December 12, 2014 - December 19, 2014

The Gospel Around the World

October 24, 2014 - November 7, 2014


September 26, 2014 - December 5, 2014


July 11, 2014 - July 18, 2014

The Holy Spirit in the Apostles' Creed

June 6, 2014 - July 4, 2014

Studying the Resurrection

April 18, 2014 - April 25, 2014

Contradictory Texts

January 3, 2014 - February 14, 2014

Songs and Stories of Luke 1 & 2

November 29, 2013 - December 27, 2013


October 11, 2013 - November 22, 2013

Words of Comfort

July 12, 2013 - August 23, 2013

Jesus Imagery

June 14, 2013 - July 5, 2013

Founding Fathers of Our Faith

April 5, 2013 - May 10, 2013


March 22, 2013 - March 31, 2013

7 Deadly Sins

February 1, 2013 - March 15, 2013

Wisdom for Life

January 4, 2013 - January 25, 2013

Gospel Beginnings

November 30, 2012 - December 28, 2012

To Live is Christ

September 28, 2012 - October 19, 2012

1 Peter & Christian Suffering

August 17, 2012 - September 21, 2012

The Jesus We Don't Know

June 8, 2012 - June 29, 2012

Jesus' "I Am" Statements

April 13, 2012 - June 1, 2012

Jesus' Last Day

March 16, 2012 - April 6, 2012

The Meaning of the Cross

February 24, 2012 - March 9, 2012

Reading the Bible

January 27, 2012 - February 17, 2012

Christian Virtues

December 30, 2011 - January 20, 2012

Facts & the First Christmas

December 16, 2011 - December 23, 2011

Questions & Answers

December 2, 2011 - December 29, 2023

The 4 Last Things

November 4, 2011 - November 25, 2011

Psalms: What do you say...

September 9, 2011 - October 21, 2011

8th grader Questions

April 29, 2011 - June 17, 2011

Reactions & People of the Passion

March 11, 2011 - April 22, 2011

Ministry of Christ

January 14, 2011 - March 4, 2011


November 26, 2010 - January 7, 2011

Global Church—Global Mission

October 15, 2010 - November 19, 2010


August 20, 2010 - October 8, 2010

Justice in the Christian Life

July 16, 2010 - August 13, 2010

Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

June 18, 2010 - July 9, 2010

Single Episodes

April 16, 2010 - May 7, 2021