May 24, 2019 – June 7, 2019
2 Thessalonians
The Apostle Paul wrote two letters to the Christians of Thessalonica. The first letter taught them what it meant to live as Christians and addressed some of their ethical questions. Some time after, he followed up with a second letter to encourage the Thessalonians in their faith and clarify his teaching about Christ’s return. In this Groundwork series, we’ll study 2 Thessalonians to receive encouragement for our own faith and spiritual growth, to gain a better understanding of the events surrounding Christ’s return, and to gain wisdom for living spiritually in our daily lives.
Episodes in this Series
May 24 , 2019
Encouragement for a Growing Faith
In the Apostle Paul's second letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, we find encouragement for our own faith and spiritual growth, reassurance that God is in control, and affirmation that God's grace abounds.
May 31 , 2019
About Christ's Return
Do you need more clarity about Christ's return? Study Paul's second letter to the Thessalonian Christians to gain a better understanding of what to expect in the End Times.
June 7 , 2019
Living Spiritually
The Apostle Paul's wise instruction helps us better understand what it means to live spiritually in our physical world, as we go about our everyday tasks.