Courtney Jacob

The Four Major Themes of the Bible

Explore the Bible's overarching narrative with Groundwork's series, "The Four Major Themes of the Bible," as we delve into creation, fall, redemption, and consummation to understand God's story and its significance for our faith and daily lives.

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Christopher Hunt

Audio Bible Studies for When You’re on Go

Audio Bible studies and podcasts are great for your commute, travel, or workout. They are portable and go anywhere with you. Audio Bible studies require very little preparation and usually come with a discussion guide to enhance your listening experience.

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Courtney Jacob

The Holy Trinity

Groundwork's series "The Holy Trinity" explores the biblical foundations, distinct roles, and unity of the Trinity. Together, we’ll explore how our belief in a triune God impacts our worship, prayer, and daily Christian life.

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Courtney Jacob

Christians in Society

In a time and culture that seems to perpetuate division and hostility, how should our faith in Jesus impact how we live in our society each day? Join Groundwork as we examine the teaching of Jesus, Paul, Peter, and James to deepen our understanding of Christlike civility and seek biblical wisdom to inform our engagement in society as we serve as faithful ambassadors of Jesus in everyday interactions and broader societal roles.

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Delve into the book of Galatians with Groundwork to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between our faith and our works. Together, we’ll study Paul’s teachings that explain the freedom and transformation that salvation through Christ brings and the importance of living a life guided by the Holy Spirit in gratitude for this gift.

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Courtney Jacob

The Minor Prophets: God's Judgment and Hope

The Minor Prophets of the Old Testament are filled with the recurring themes of God’s judgment and hope. Join Groundwork as we study these themes in our series “The Minor Prophets: God’s Judgment and Hope” and discover how their prophetic calls to repentance, messages of judgment, and promises of restoration shape our faith as followers of Jesus Christ today.

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