Christopher Hunt

Audio Bible Studies for Advent and Christmas

The Advent and Christmas seasons are perfect times to slow down and focus our hearts on Jesus. Groundwork has several Bible study series about Advent and Christmas, each suitable for personal or group study.

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Courtney Jacob

Romans: God's Salvation Plan and Us

The apostle Paul’s detailed teaching about salvation in Romans provides a strong foundation on which to build our faith for new and seasoned believers alike. His detailed exploration of the ramifications of salvation for Christian living is full of wisdom that helps believers today better understand how to think and live in relationship to God and in relationship to each other in light of their new life in Christ.

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Scott Hoezee

Understanding the Book of Revelation

For almost 2,000 years the Bible’s final book has been a cause for consternation, fear, and controversy. The reason for this is Revelation is chock-full of symbolism, some of which seems frightening and open to multiple layers of interpretation. However, a look at the context and purpose of Revelation reveals that all the apocalyptic symbolism points to a simple, consistent, and comforting message: Jesus Christ has won the battle against evil and God’s kingdom will endure forever.

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Christopher Hunt

Who Wrote the Book of Revelation?

Church tradition holds that the Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. While some scholars have questioned John’s authorship, key theological themes and attributions from early church leaders, like Irenaeus of Lyons, affirm that John wrote Revelation. Yet, John points to another, a divine author, Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

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Courtney Jacob

Daniel: Trusting God's Sovereignty

The biblical book of Daniel is fascinating. But Daniel is more than its strong characters, powerful stories, and extraordinary dreams. Study the book of Daniel with Groundwork and together we’ll witness God’s sovereignty over all of creation, his faithfulness to always show up, and his unending care for his people.

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Courtney Jacob

The Lord’s Prayer

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus demonstrates for us a rightly ordered prayer and the priorities of a heart focused on God. By studying Jesus’ prayer, we nurture our faith as we learn how to pray in a way that honors God and reflects what we believe.

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