How Do I Start Studying the Bible?

by Jordan An
Oct 17, 2024

The Bible reveals God’s character, promises, and purpose for humanity. That means starting a Bible study is about more than reading the words of Scripture and discussing them; it’s about embarking on a journey of spiritual growth and regular connection with God. 

If you’re ready to begin this journey but aren’t sure where to start, here are some practical steps to help you establish a meaningful and consistent Bible study habit.

Set a time and place

First, choose a dedicated time and a quiet place where you can focus solely on your Bible study. Consistency is key, and a regular schedule reinforces this new habit. Whether it’s in the early morning before the day begins, during a lunch break, or in the evening as part of your nighttime routine, find a time that works for you and do your best to stick to it.

Select a Bible reading plan or topic

Next, decide what you want to study in the Bible. You might start with a specific book in the Old or New Testaments that interests you, follow a structured reading plan that guides you through different passages each day, or choose to study a certain topic (like love, forgiveness, peace, etc.). Having a plan provides direction and helps you make the most of your study time.

Gather study materials

Grab a notebook or journal to jot down insights and questions. You may also consider using a Bible commentary to aid your understanding of difficult passages or cultural contexts. Having these resources handy can enrich your study experience and deepen your insights into Scripture.

An audio Bible study, like our Groundwork podcast, can be a great free resource to help you begin your journey. To learn more, check out “What is an Audio Bible study?” and “How to use an Audio Bible study.”

Pray for guidance

Beginning your study time with prayer is a great way to prepare yourself to read God’s Word. Ask God to guide your understanding, open your heart, and reveal what he wants you to learn and apply to your life from your study. This is a good time to tell God about any worries, concerns, or to-dos that may distract you from engaging with him and his Word. 

Read, reflect, and apply

As you read God’s Word, take time to reflect on its meaning. A good Bible study should help you consider the historical context, the author’s intent, and how the passage may apply to your life today. As you gain knowledge and understanding in your study, look for practical ways to apply what you’ve learned in your faith walk. After all, the ultimate goal of Bible study is not just reading or gaining knowledge, but transformation

Keep a record of any key verses, thoughts, questions, and insights that stand out to you. Writing down your reflections reinforces your learning, and also serves as a record of your spiritual journey over time.

Stay committed and be patient

Cultivating a spiritual discipline such as Bible study takes commitment and, well, discipline. Stick to the time and place you set for yourself to study the Bible. Say “no” to other activities that threaten to encroach on that time. Consistency allows God's Word to permeate your thoughts, actions, and decisions as you go about your daily life.

But if you do miss a day or struggle to stay consistent, don’t be discouraged. Every moment spent studying God's Word is an investment in your relationship with him, but no amount of Bible study earns God’s love. God loves you because he’s God and you’re his child. Trust that the Holy Spirit knows your heart and will honor your commitment to seeking him.

Discuss with others or join a group

As you gain confidence in your Bible study discipline, consider sharing your journey with a friend, family member, or a small group. Discussing ideas, questions, and interpretations with others can provide fresh perspectives and deepen your understanding of Scripture. It also fosters a sense of accountability, community, and mutual encouragement in your spiritual walk.

Establishing a Bible study habit is not merely about checking off a task—it's about carving out time for God amidst the busyness of life. It’s about letting God's Word shape your heart and mind. By following these steps consistently, you'll establish a solid foundation for a lifelong pursuit of God through his Word. 

Groundwork is a free half-hour weekly audio program that digs deeply into Scripture as the foundation for our lives. Explore the complete catalog of Groundwork audio programs here.


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