In a world where the COVID-19 pandemic has closed church doors, here are some tools and resources to help you continue on your faith journey.

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The Apostles’ Creed has stood the test of time and continues to unify Christians across denominations still today. Discover what it is and why it’s a valuable way for Christians to study scripture, learn about God, and grow deeper in relationship with him.

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Courtney Jacob

Jesus’ Ministry

Doing ministry can be intimidating for the average Christian. But studying four aspects of Jesus’ earthly ministry—teaching, preaching, casting out demons, and healing can give us the confidence we need and the framework to begin understanding our own calling to participate in sharing the gospel message and to trust that the Holy Spirit will take hold of our meager words and deeds to bring glory to God and expand his kingdom.

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Studying the story of Esther offers Christians new appreciation for a familiar story, encouragement for living faithfully during experiences of vulnerability, and assurance that God continues to work through the ordinary, faithful actions of believers today.

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Courtney Jacob

Light in a Dark World

During the season of Epiphany, Christians celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world. Discover how the image of light in scripture helps us better understand Jesus Christ, offers us hope, and motivates our discipleship.

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Christopher Hunt

What Is Advent About Today?

Advent is a time we wait on Christ in hopeful expectation, to reflect on our need for a Savior, to celebrate his coming, and to watch for his return.

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