Scott Hoezee

Faith and Depression

Few things are more often misunderstood in the church than depression. Christians with depression struggle with the depression itself. Fellow believers struggle to understand why someone is going through this. Dig into scripture with Groundwork so that together we can better understand how to best support and encourage faith when all hope seems lost.

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Scott Hoezee

Faith and Dementia

Christians who grapple with dementia face an array of questions and fears when it comes to Christian faith and identity. Discover the spiritual guidance and comfort Scripture offers us when so much of life becomes strange and uncertain because we or someone we love has dementia.

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Dave Bast

How Long, O Lord?

The timeless story of Job gives believers experiencing suffering a place to wrestle with questions like “How long”, “why,” and “Where is God?” Study the book of Job with Groundwork to find the encouragement you need to endure the unknowns of our time and the assurance you need to cultivate a confident faith.

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Dave Bast

Wisdom For Such a Time as This

The solid, practical advice we find within the pages of Proverbs can help us wisely navigate any and every situation we experience. Study the book of Proverbs with Groundwork and learn to discern between the way of folly and the way of wisdom.

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Scott Hoezee

Is God in COVID-19?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many are asking where God is, if he's punishing us for sin, or if it's a sign of the End Times. Hear a word of caution and find out what we know for sure.

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Christians instinctively turn to the Bible in troubled times, but it can be hard to know where to start when the situation feels overwhelming. The “Words of Comfort” series from Groundwork studies some of the most comforting passages in the Bible, scriptures that bring God’s peace and comfort in times of uncertainty, fear, anxiety, or grief.

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