Courtney Jacob

Change is Inevitable, but God is Constant

Life is full of change. Some of these changes are good, some are bad. Whether change is expected or not, it can still be unsettling. The good news is that we can turn to God’s Word in these times of uncertainty. The Bible is full of testimonies to God’s constant care and abiding presence. Discover Groundwork’s audio Bible study that examines valuable passages of the Bible to find the assurance we need to trust in God and experience his peace through life’s inevitable changes.

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Christopher Hunt

What Does Jesus Say About Justice?

Jesus spoke of justice in different terms than we commonly speak of it in our modern society. We usually talk about distributive justice or retributive justice, which are good things. Jesus talked about our individual responsibility to bring justice by loving our neighbors and doing good for those around us.

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If you desire wisdom for discerning how to best live out your faith as you wrestle with issues of prejudice, sexuality, and freedom today, study 1 Corinthians with Groundwork to discover what our identity in Christ means for our choices and behavior and to glean wisdom from the experiences of the early Christian church for living our faith, acting godly, and making faith-informed choices.

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Courtney Jacob

Growth in Christian Discipleship

Do you desire a strong faith? Do you want to follow Jesus well? In our Groundwork series, “Growth in Christian Discipleship,” we’ll discuss Christian discipleship. We’ll explore the scriptures that inform our understanding of this Christian practice and that teach us what it means to live as disciples of Jesus Christ today.

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Courtney Jacob

Groundwork Welcomes New Co-host

We’re excited to introduce you to Groundwork’s next co-host, Rev. Darrell Delaney. He cares deeply about discipleship and helping others unpack scripture to strengthen their faith foundation. He is also deeply gifted at applying scripture to our everyday experiences. All of this makes him a natural fit for Groundwork.

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Courtney Jacob

Groundwork’s Founding Co-host Retires

For eleven years, Dave Bast’s voice has comforted and encouraged listeners with biblical insights and thoughtful reflections on Groundwork. In May 2021, Dave Bast will retire and make way for a new voice.

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