July 5, 2018
Jesus: the Lion and the Lamb
The images in Revelation 5:5-6 of Jesus Christ as a lion and a lamb give us a glimpse of who Jesus Christ...
Courtney Jacob
June 29, 2018
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Human suffering knows no boundaries. When our hearts ache with unbearable pain, when we feel utterly helpless, we cry out, “Why, God...
Courtney Jacob
June 22, 2018
What Is Providence?
Some say things in life just “happen.” Others claim we are caught up in God’s providential plan. Together let’s explore providence—what it...
Scott Hoezee
May 15, 2018
Deadly Sins of Ingratitude: Greed, Gluttony, and Lust
You’ve heard of the Seven Deadly Sins, but here we’ll narrow our focus on three sins of ingratitude: greed, gluttony, and lust...
Christopher Hunt
May 5, 2018
The Fruit of the Spirit
In his letter to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul gives us a list of nine characteristics present in the life of an...
Courtney Jacob
February 16, 2018
The Last Teachings of Christ
The lessons and admonitions Jesus Christ imparts to his followers in the final week before his death offer us insight into how...
Courtney Jacob
February 1, 2018
A Short Version of the Long History of Lent
Traditions of Lent have evolved over time. Yet, in spite of a turbulent church history, the essence of Lent remains largely unchanged...
Christopher Hunt
January 5, 2018
Epiphany and God's Mission
When we encounter the true meaning of Epiphany, it propels us to learn more about the early Church, to reconsider God’s mission...
Courtney Jacob
December 1, 2017
And He Shall Be Called: How Isaiah Describes the Messiah
Discover renewed hope and comfort this Advent season by exploring how Isaiah’s names for and descriptions of the Messiah do indeed point...
Courtney Jacob
November 2, 2017
Learning from Elijah
New Christians and experienced Christians alike encounter seasons of doubt along their faith journey. Study the biblical stories about the prophet Elijah...
Courtney Jacob
September 29, 2017
Salvation: Five Insights from the Reformation
Discover 5 key insights from the Protestant Reformation that impact your faith today by studying the scripture passages that prompted Christian leaders...
Courtney Jacob
September 15, 2017
Proverbs: Wisdom for Life
The biblical book of Proverbs composes a rich picture of godly wisdom that profoundly influences the way we live our daily lives...
Courtney Jacob
July 26, 2017
The Parables of Jesus
Studying the parables of Jesus gives you the chance to learn profound truths about God and his kingdom and experience the life-changing...
Courtney Jacob
June 30, 2017
When God Calls
Discover the concept of calling in the Bible so that when God calls you, you recognize his voice and are prepared to...
Courtney Jacob