Courtney Jacob

What is Biblical Justice?

When Christians talk about justice, they often specify biblical justice. Why? Studying the theme of justice across the whole of scripture shows us that justice from God’s perspective encompasses and requires more than the dictionary definition of justice and the workings of our civil laws. By seeking biblical justice we have the opportunity to witness the unfolding of God’s kingdom here on earth.

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Courtney Jacob

Leviticus: How to Live in God's Presence

Study the Old Testament book of Leviticus to deepen your understanding of and appreciation for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and to find an abundance of biblical wisdom about how you can live a holy life today.

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Our experiences differ, but we’re all impacted in some way by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, social inequality, and racial injustice. Join Groundwork as we reflect on how God’s Word speaks to our current reality through our series, “Biblical Advice for Living Faithfully in Trying Times.”

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Scott Hoezee

Faith and Chronic Pain or Illness

Christians with chronic pain or with chronic illness face a very different kind of faith walk because their days may be clouded by debilitating physical conditions. The Bible informs our reflections as we seek to understand the reality of chronic pain and illness in the life of a Christian.

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Courtney Jacob

The Role of Christians in Justice

By studying the theme of justice throughout scripture, we ground ourselves in God’s perspective, come to understand the biblical definition of justice, and are able to confidently respond to God’s call to seek justice for those who do not have the power to seek it for themselves.

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Scott Hoezee

Faith and Anxiety

How do we deal with anxiety as Christians? When we study Scripture we discover that the Bible speaks to our human experience of anxiety, strengthens our faith, and offers us God’s peace.

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