Audio Bible Study Resources for Women
by Robin Basselin
Aug 2, 2019
A few years ago on International Women’s Day, I saw this quote floating around on social media:
“When women support each other, incredible things happen.”

It made me remember fondly a group of women I used to gather with regularly. These five women from my church were an invaluable support system to me at a time when I was raising three young children, working full-time, and often feeling too busy to attend to my own spiritual well being. Whenever we were together, we definitely talked...a lot. But we also studied Scripture, shared our struggles, needs, and desires, and supported one another in prayer. For me, this group of women was a lifeline.
Maybe you have a similar group of women in your life: an ongoing, women’s Bible study at a nearby church or an occasional mother-child playdate you host at your home. Or maybe you’re looking to start a women’s group: like a support group made up of Christian women from work or an early morning gathering of fellow retirees from your neighborhood. Whatever the case, Groundwork would like to offer you free resources to make the most of the time you have to gather with the women in your life.
The Groundwork website contains hundreds of audio Bible studies that you can listen to as a group, or that each individual woman can listen independently (using her preferred podcast app) before you come together to discuss. When you gather, you can then use Groudwork’s helpful episode guides to spark your conversation and get you thinking about how the topics resonate with and apply to your life.
Your women’s group can tackle book studies like Exodus, Habakkuk, Mark, or James, or focus on topics issues like Basic Christianity, the Spiritual Disciplines, Working Faithfully, or for those difficult times in our spiritual walk, you can study the Bible’s Words of Comfort. And if you’re looking to study women of the Bible, I recommend our 4-part series on Ruth and Naomi, or individual episodes like those on Deborah or Mary. We at Groundwork pray that wherever and however you gather as women of faith to support one another that the Holy Spirit would indeed ensure that “incredible things happen.” And if your group has suggestions or ideas for future Groundwork episode or series topics, we encourage you to share them with us.