Christians in Society
Jun 14, 2024 · Courtney Jacob
In a time and culture that seems to perpetuate division and hostility, how should our faith in Jesus impact how we live in our society each day? How does our salvation in Jesus influence how we respond and interact with others? Until Jesus Christ’s second coming, Christians must live in and engage with this world. How do we discern how to act and participate in the world as his ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20)? The best place to turn for guidance in our discernment is the Bible. Join Groundwork for our series, “Christians in Society,” and together we’ll let Scripture inform our discussion of Christlike civility and instruct our engagement in society.
What the Bible Says about Our Behavior in Society
Every day we encounter regular interactions with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. When those interactions involve topics that are personal to us or we hold strong, faith-informed opinions about, we naturally want to react and respond. Sometimes those interactions are in person, but they are also increasingly taking place in digital spaces. What does it mean for Christians to be civil during these interactions? Does God always expect us to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-42)? As the Christian faith spread and began to take root, early Christians faced challenges and persecution as they defended and established their faith. Studying the letters of the apostles Peter and Paul to the early Christian churches provides valuable insight into how Christians should respond to each other and others. The mindset and manners they encourage teach us how to defend our faith without being defensive and how to disagree without being disagreeable.
What the Bible Says about Our Engagement in Society
As faithful Christians, we all desire to make the world a better place, but how we do that varies. Throughout history, many have wondered whether it is right for Christians to engage in politics and serve in the public sector. Different Christians have come to different conclusions on how Christians should engage in government or social issues…and if they should engage at all. And periods in history like the Crusades should cause us to pause and think carefully about our motivations and methods. We’ll explore some of those different perspectives together and discuss the tension between complacency and courage. As we do so, we’ll dig deeply into words from Jesus, Paul, and Peter to help us discern what it means to embrace our role in shaping a more just and God-honoring society—whether we’re called to serve the public in an official capacity or simply how we engage in our daily personal lives.
Called to Christlikeness
Ultimately, as followers of Jesus Christ, we’re called to Christlikeness in everything we do. I invite you to thoughtfully and intentionally reflect on how our faith impacts our involvement in the world around us through our Groundwork series, “Christians in Society”:
- Christian Civility: Defending Our Faith without Being Defensive - 1 Peter 3:8-17 and Titus 3:1-11
- Christian Engagement in Societal Issues - Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17, Romans 3:10-12, and James 2:1-9
- Adopt the Mindset of Christ - Philippians 2:1-11, Matthew 22:15-45, 1 Peter 2:21-23, and Matthew 20:24-28
...and together we’ll seek to live faithfully as Christ’s ambassadors in the world today.
Posted in: #ChristiansinSociety, #ChristianCivility, #Government, #Christlikeness