Change is Inevitable, but God is Constant

July 30, 2021 – August 13, 2021

Change is Inevitable, but God is Constant

What’s one thing we can be sure of in life? That it will change. Whether change is expected or not, it can still be unsettling. It doesn't matter whether the cause of a change is our fault or not, whether a change is good or bad, personal or cultural—it’s normal to feel anxious and uncertain. People in all seasons of their faith journey ask questions of God during times of change. We long to be assured of his presence, to feel peace, to understand what’s happening to us or if God even cares. The good news is that we can turn to God’s Word in these times of uncertainty. The stories of God’s people in Scripture are a testimony to God’s constant care and abiding presence. In this Groundwork series, we dig into Scripture to uncover the truth of God’s faithful character and find the assurance we need to trust in him and experience his peace through life’s inevitable changes. 

Episodes in this Series

Change is Inevitable, but God is ConstantJuly 30 , 2021

God Always Cares and Never Leaves

​Whether life’s changes are good or bad, not knowing outcomes and not yet having answers can lead us to question God. Discover again how his constant, reliable presence and character can encourage us in our discipleship and give us strength to cope with life’s changing circumstances.

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Change is Inevitable, but God is ConstantAugust 6 , 2021

God's Perfect Peace

There’s no doubt that this world lacks the peace that so many of us crave. Study God’s promises in scripture to better understand the truth of God’s perfect peace and to discover how we can experience this peace for ourselves.

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Change is Inevitable, but God is ConstantAugust 13 , 2021

God is Faithful, Consistent, and Keeps His Promises

Sometimes, life’s difficult circumstances are the result of our failure, but sometimes we’ve done nothing wrong and life’s circumstances are simply beyond our control. No matter the reason for our suffering, the Bible urges us to remember God’s character; it reminds us that he is a covenant God and we can be confident he will keep his promises.

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