God's Perfect Peace

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Change is Inevitable, but God is Constant

God's Perfect Peace

August 6, 2021   •   Isaiah 26:3-4 Jeremiah 6:13-14 Numbers 6:22-26

Do you long for peace? There’s no doubt that this world lacks the peace that so many of us crave. In our personal lives, we deal with all kinds of uncertainty: maybe you’re awaiting the results of medical tests, or in the midst of a chaotic divorce, or experiencing the instability of a job change or move. Maybe your personal life is good at the moment, but you still long for peace in a world torn apart by polarization and injustice. At times like this, how do we find the strength to declare “it is well with our souls,” even though our circumstances may not be well at the moment? Join Groundwork as we study God’s promises in Scripture to better understand the truth of God’s perfect peace and to discover how we can experience this peace for ourselves, even when the circumstances of our lives aren't very peaceful.

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