Scott Hoezee


Scott Hoezee joined Groundwork as a co-host in 2012. He also serves as the Director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary. Prior to his work at Calvin Seminary, Scott served as pastor in two western Michigan congregations in the Christian Reformed Church of North America. A graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary, Scott has authored several books including Proclaim the Wonder: Preaching Science on Sunday (2003) and Remember Creation (1998). Scott and his wife, Rosemary, have two children. He enjoys bird watching, snorkeling, and exploring the beauties and wonders of God’s great creation.

Recent Episodes featuring Scott Hoezee:

Paul's Journey to Rome: Proclaiming Jesus Everywhere

As we study Paul’s journey to Rome, we too can gain confidence and readiness to share the good news of Jesus everywhere we go.

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Paul's Missionary Journeys

Paul's Third Journey: Strengthening and Encouraging Believers

By studying Paul’s incredible third journey, with all its challenges, opportunities, and heartbreaking goodbyes, we learn how to live with the same bold trust and purpose in our own lives.

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Paul's Missionary Journeys

Paul's Second Journey: Jesus the Messiah and the Resurrection of the Dead

Paul’s preaching and encouragement recorded in Acts 15-18, provide us with theological clarity for our own efforts to share the gospel and remain faithful to Jesus Christ in all circumstances.

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Paul's Missionary Journeys

The Jerusalem Council: The Church Resolves Division and Seeks Unity

The Jerusalem Council reached pivotal conclusions that set the pattern for Paul’s subsequent missionary journeys, shaped the church's future, and still guide the church to this day.

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Paul's Missionary Journeys

Paul's First Journey: The Gospel Spreads and the Church Grows

Be encouraged by the parallels between Paul’s experiences and our modern efforts to partner with the Holy Spirit to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Paul's Missionary Journeys

God's Design for Sex and Relationships

The celebration of intimacy in the Song of Song shows us that God’s design for love and sex is deeply rooted in his own character and filled with self-sacrifice, mutuality, commitment, delight, and respect.

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Song of Songs: The Bible's Love Poetry

Recent Blog Posts written by Scott Hoezee:

Understanding the Book of Revelation

For almost 2,000 years the Bible’s final book has been a cause for consternation, fear, and controversy. The reason for this is...

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Why does Jesus’ Family Tree Matter?

The Gospel of Matthew begins with a long list of names that can be tempting to skip in order to get to...

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Faith and Chronic Pain or Illness

Christians with chronic pain or with chronic illness face a very different kind of faith walk because their days may be clouded...

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Faith and Anxiety

How do we deal with anxiety as Christians? When we study Scripture we discover that the Bible speaks to our human experience...

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Faith and Depression

Few things are more often misunderstood in the church than depression. Christians with depression struggle with the depression itself. Fellow believers struggle...

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Faith and Dementia

Christians who grapple with dementia face an array of questions and fears when it comes to Christian faith and identity. Discover the...

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