February 20, 2015 – March 20, 2015

Bad News/Good News Texts of the Bible

Of all the conjunctions in English, the little word "but" can pack quite a wallop because it often represents a big turn of thought. In the Bible there are many key texts where that little conjunction turns everything toward a new, hope-filled direction. This Groundwork series studies five of those powerful texts that comfort us, encourage us, and provide us assurance to strengthen our faith.

Episodes in this Series

Faith in Times of Uncertainty

Today on Groundwork we're studying 2 Chronicles 20:12 to help us understand how our faith helps us when we aren't sure what to do.

Listen to this Episode February 20 , 2015

Deserve Death, Receive Life

When we work, we expect to receive what we've earned. But according to Romans 6:23 and Romans 1:18-25, what we deserve is death; join us as we study these passages to discover how it's possible that we receive life instead.

Listen to this Episode February 27 , 2015

Flaws Bring Us Back to God

Join us as we study the story of Namaan in 2 Kings 5 and discover how God uses our human flaws to help us recognize our need for him.

Listen to this Episode March 6 , 2015

Facing Tribulation

Join us as we discuss John 16:33, 1 Peter 3:13-21 and 1 Peter 4:12-16 to learn how we should face the suffering that will result from our obedience to Christ and what the experiences can do for us.

Listen to this Episode March 13 , 2015

God's Rich Mercy & Great Love

Today on Groundwork we'll study Ephesians 2:1-5 to see how Paul moves us from the paralysis of being spiritually dead to something most glorious indeed - being made alive in Christ.

Listen to this Episode March 20 , 2015