Searching Blog: #Apostle John
Understanding the Book of Revelation
Oct 17, 2023 · Scott Hoezee
For almost 2,000 years the Bible’s final book has been a cause for consternation, fear, and controversy. The reason for this is Revelation is chock-full of symbolism, some of which seems frightening and open to multiple layers of interpretation. However, a look at the context and purpose of Revelation reveals that all the apocalyptic symbolism points to a simple, consistent, and comforting message: Jesus Christ has won the battle against evil and God’s kingdom will endure forever.
Who Wrote the Book of Revelation?
Oct 4, 2023 · Christopher Hunt
Church tradition holds that the Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. While some scholars have questioned John’s authorship, key theological themes and attributions from early church leaders, like Irenaeus of Lyons, affirm that John wrote Revelation. Yet, John points to another, a divine author, Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
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