Searching Blog: #Revelation

Scott Hoezee

Understanding the Book of Revelation

For almost 2,000 years the Bible’s final book has been a cause for consternation, fear, and controversy. The reason for this is Revelation is chock-full of symbolism, some of which seems frightening and open to multiple layers of interpretation. However, a look at the context and purpose of Revelation reveals that all the apocalyptic symbolism points to a simple, consistent, and comforting message: Jesus Christ has won the battle against evil and God’s kingdom will endure forever.

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Christopher Hunt

Who Wrote the Book of Revelation?

Church tradition holds that the Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. While some scholars have questioned John’s authorship, key theological themes and attributions from early church leaders, like Irenaeus of Lyons, affirm that John wrote Revelation. Yet, John points to another, a divine author, Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

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Courtney Jacob

Revelation: A Comfort for Believers

In a culture where Christians and non-Christians alike are fascinated by the End Times, the biblical book of Revelation is a source of mystery and curiosity. However, Revelation has sometimes been portrayed as scary or intimidating. But Revelation is not meant to be a source of fear; its vision of heaven is meant to be a source of comfort and hope for believers. Studying its pages provides believers with the reassurance that the pain, grief, and injustice of this life are not final because Jesus Christ already sits on the throne. Revelation encourages Christians to continue living faithfully in this life now.

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Courtney Jacob

Jesus: the Lion and the Lamb

The images in Revelation 5:5-6 of Jesus Christ as a lion and a lamb give us a glimpse of who Jesus Christ is from heaven’s perspective and assure believers that he indeed reigns and is in control, even now.

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Courtney Jacob

Life after Death

Seeking biblical answers to your questions about heaven and life after death by studying scripture with Groundwork.

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