Searching Blog: #Salvation

Delve into the book of Galatians with Groundwork to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between our faith and our works. Together, we’ll study Paul’s teachings that explain the freedom and transformation that salvation through Christ brings and the importance of living a life guided by the Holy Spirit in gratitude for this gift.

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Courtney Jacob

Romans: God's Salvation Plan and Us

The apostle Paul’s detailed teaching about salvation in Romans provides a strong foundation on which to build our faith for new and seasoned believers alike. His detailed exploration of the ramifications of salvation for Christian living is full of wisdom that helps believers today better understand how to think and live in relationship to God and in relationship to each other in light of their new life in Christ.

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Courtney Jacob

The Cross of Jesus

Focus your mind and heart during Lent by joining Groundwork for our series “The Cross of Jesus.” Together we’ll study and reflect on the many facets of the cross of Jesus in Scripture to understand with greater clarity and depth what Jesus Christ endured on our behalf and what it means for us today.

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Courtney Jacob

Light in a Dark World

During the season of Epiphany, Christians celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world. Discover how the image of light in scripture helps us better understand Jesus Christ, offers us hope, and motivates our discipleship.

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Courtney Jacob

Judges: God’s Enduring Commitment

The pattern and themes we find in the book of Judges profoundly resonate with our experience today. By studying the stories of Judges, we gain valuable reminders and insights about God, his plan for salvation, and how he faithfully continues to work in our lives today.

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Courtney Jacob

The Christmas Thread

Like a single thread woven through a garment, the promise of Christmas is woven through all of scripture. Study “The Christmas Thread” with Groundwork and deepen your appreciation for the immense gift of salvation initiated by Jesus Christ’s birth.

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