Category:  Easter


Easter: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Do you still have doubts about Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead? You're not alone; even some of the disciples doubted when they encountered their risen Lord and Savior. Find out what changed their doubts to faith.

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Good Friday and Easter in Matthew

Good Friday: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Know the powerful significance of the cross and how Jesus Christ's sacrifice is indeed good news.

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Good Friday and Easter in Matthew

Encountering Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

Encountering Jesus on the road to Emmaus is an experience of slow, gradual revelation and understanding rather than a flashy demonstration of power bursting onto the scene. Join us on Groundwork as we discuss why he reveals himself this way and where we can find the post-resurrection Jesus.

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Studying the Resurrection

The Resurrection

The resurrection is the primary event we celebrate every Easter. This week on Groundwork we discuss other theories people have offered to bypass or explain away Christ's resurrection and study Luke 24:1-12 to help us understand why Christian faith stands or falls on the truth of the resurrection.

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Studying the Resurrection

Easter Hope

Today on Groundwork we listen again to the best part of all the Good News - that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, having conquered sin and death, and that he lives to save us. Together we'll study passages from both the Old Testament and the New Testament to remember again the power of Christ's resurrection and the hope it brings.

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Suffering Servant

Even those of us most intent on the Messiah get wrapped up in his victorious nature and overlook those prophecies about the suffering servant Messiah. But this is important to remember as we revisit the stories of Holy Week.

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The Salvation Process

More and more people are talking about spirituality and being spiritual. And yet church attendance is dwindling. Why do you think so many people are attracted to the teachings of Jesus but turned off by the teachings of Christianity? Has the institution of the church distorted Christ’s message?

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Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

Believing the Resurrection Story

There’s plenty of talk today about our actions matching what we say. Usually, our words do reflect our beliefs and values, who we believe in, and why. The Bible also gives us many commands on how to live. So what does the Bible say is more important, our actions or our beliefs?

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Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

Trusting the Resurrection Story

There is still a lot of debate about the historical accuracy of the Bible; in particular, of the gospels. Can we accept the stories they tell as true? Or do we have to accept only some and reject others? In particular, what about the story of Jesus' resurrection? Does it really matter whether that’s a true historical fact or not?

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Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

Failure, Forgiveness, & Love

In the next few episodes, we’re going to dig into the stories of Christ’s post-resurrection appearances to discover how they speak to our lives. In today’s episode, we discuss failure, forgiveness, and love in light of Jesus’ appearance to his disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (John 21:1-19).

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Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ