Duane Kelderman

Duane Kelderman is currently the Interim Pastor at Second Christian Reformed Church in Grand Haven, Michigan. He served for 10 years as vice president for administration at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Recent Episodes featuring Duane Kelderman:

Chasing the Wind: Work

We need to work to live. We also want to serve God with good works. But we can also work too much and in the end, our work will never save us. So when is work good and when is it bad?

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Wisdom for Life

Chasing the Wind: Pleasure

If we're all going to die anyway, if all our possessions and money are meaningless, what is there to live for? We should just enjoy life to its fullest...but the Preacher in Ecclesiastes says living for pleasure is just as pointless.

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Wisdom for Life

Chasing the Wind: Knowledge

We live in a world that values facts and knowledge. But in Ecclesiastes, the Preacher says knowledge is chasing after the wind. Does he really mean we shouldn't pursue knowledge?

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Wisdom for Life

Wisdom for Life

Are you thinking about ways to make yourself a better person or to live a more fulfilling life? The Bible offers wisdom that is likely easier to follow than your resolutions will be to keep.

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Wisdom for Life

Christ is the Secret

Are you feeling unfulfilled or disappointed with life? Philippians 4 says we can find out what it means to really LIVE by seeking the source of true joy and happiness.

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To Live is Christ

Christ is the Goal

Have you ever reached a goal only to find yourself feeling not as happy as you thought you'd feel? Or maybe you know you've got it good but yet you go through life feeling like something's missing. Philippians 3 talks about where to turn in moments like these.

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To Live is Christ