Category:  Christmas


Jesus, Shepherds, and Angels: A Savior is Born

Reflecting on the good news of Jesus Christ’s birth and the magnificent message the angels delivered to the shepherds brings comfort, renewed hope, and a greater understanding of how God works in our lives still today.

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The Cast of Christmas

Joseph: The Virgin Birth and Prophecies Fulfilled

Studying Joseph’s experience reveals the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, clarifies God's understanding of righteousness, and gives us the confidence to trust God’s continued presence and faithfulness in our lives.

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The Cast of Christmas

Mary: The Angel Gabriel Foretells Jesus' Birth

Studying Mary’s role and response to Gabriel offers us valuable reminders for our faith and helps us better understand our place in God’s story.

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The Cast of Christmas

Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus

Just like we set aside time to prepare for life’s events, God set aside time and sent people ahead to prepare the world for salvation.

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The Cast of Christmas

The Magi: A Reminder that Jesus Came for All Nations

Contemplating what the presence of the Magi means and examining our hearts in the light of this truth is fitting for Advent and prepares our hearts well to once again celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

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The Cast of Christmas

The Incarnation of Jesus & Our Rebirth

Today on Groundwork dig into John 1:12-18 to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Together we'll rediscover the deep wonder that is the incarnation of God's own Son and the holy mystery that brings us into the family of God.

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Advent - Christmas

Jesus Our Light

We need light to live, so when the gospel writer John calls Jesus the light he's making a big claim. Together we'll study John 1:1-12, discuss what this means for us and world today, and discover the call to action it brings to us as followers of Christ.

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Advent - Christmas

The Boy Jesus

The Bible gives us only one tiny little glimpse into the boyhood years of Jesus' life and this week on Groundwork we'll ponder that lone story of the boy Jesus and what it teaches us about him.

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Songs and Stories of Luke 1 & 2

Simeon's Song

Once the aged Simeon sees the baby Jesus in the temple, he recognizes God's promises fulfilled and sings "Lord, now let your servant depart in peace." So here's an interesting question. What would make you able to die in peace?

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Songs and Stories of Luke 1 & 2

Angels' Song

The song of the angels as Luke records it on the night of Jesus' birth is by far one of the shortest songs in the Bible. But what the angels conveyed in this brief chorus to those shepherds that night contains a whole lot of Gospel Good News and today on Groundwork, we'll ponder that little song's meaning.

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Songs and Stories of Luke 1 & 2

Zechariah's Song

As Luke tells the story, when the Son of God came to this earth the creation responded with a whole lot of singing. This week on Groundwork we study the song sung by the priest Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist.

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Songs and Stories of Luke 1 & 2

Mary's Song

We anticipate the coming of the Messiah in human flesh by studying Mary's Song, often called the Magnificat, and learn from her testimony what massive changes God brings through the birth of Jesus.

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Songs and Stories of Luke 1 & 2