A Look at the New Heaven and Earth

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Revelation: A Comfort for Believers

A Look at the New Heaven and Earth

March 10, 2023   •   Revelation 21

In difficult seasons of life, we often find hope and encouragement by thinking about what we have to look forward to: upcoming celebrations, kids or grandkids, vacations, promotions, or anything else that motivates us. Yet, all of these things provide only short-term motivation or encouragement—they don’t address the bigger feelings of pain, sorrow, or injustice we encounter in our lives. As Christians, we know that the promise of a new heaven and new earth provides the eternal hope and encouragement we need for faithfully living our lives right now. Join us as we study John’s vision of the new heaven and earth in Revelation 21. We’ll discuss the meaning of his visions, the promises of restoration we have to look forward to, the comfort and encouragement these images continue to provide us, and what this vision of the future means for us and how we live today. 

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