Encouragement as We Wait for Christ's Return

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Revelation: A Comfort for Believers

Encouragement as We Wait for Christ's Return

March 17, 2023   •   Revelation 22

Waiting for Jesus Christ’s second coming can feel discouraging as we continue to witness the pain and brokenness of this world. It’s not unusual to cry, like the Psalmist, “How long, Lord?”  Exiled to Patmos, John knew what it felt like to long for God’s promised coming while enduring injustice and watching evil, grief, and pain continue to weigh heavily on a weary world. But as Revelation closes, John shares an encouraging vision of a restored heaven—a beautiful, life-filled city whose light comes from God himself.  Join us as we study John’s vision and discuss the immense hope it offers as we remember that God is still in control and Christ has already won the final victory. Discover with us encouragement for persevering in our faith and remaining faithful in the work to which God has called us while we, like John, wait for the fullness of God’s kingdom to come.

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