God's Grace in Our Weakness

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2 Corinthians

God's Grace in Our Weakness

July 22, 2016   •   2 Corinthians 12

Whether it’s fictional superheroes or trending internet stories about overcoming the odds, our culture clearly favors stories celebrating strength. Similarly, in the job market we prove our qualification by communicating our accomplishments and experiences through resumes and interviews. Strength, accomplishments, and experiences are all good, but Paul says they're not the point. In fact, when it comes to our spiritual lives and our witness, they can distract us from God. Through the well-known passage about a thorn in his flesh, Paul argues believers should be more comfortable boasting in our weaknesses so that God's grace is evident to all. At the same time, Paul's vulnerability also gives us insight for understanding and responding to our seemingly unanswered prayers. 

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