Sharing Your Faith Makes Disciples

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Sharing Your Faith: A Biblical Study of Why and How We Share Our Faith

Sharing Your Faith Makes Disciples

May 20, 2022   •   Luke 24:46-53 Acts 1:6-11 Matthew 28:16-20

Our calling to share our faith is rooted in the biblical story of Jesus’ ascension into heaven. It was on that day that Jesus gave his disciples the command we refer to as the “Great Commission,” to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). But as we study this important event, we learn that Jesus is not asking us to do anything he has not equipped us to do. He’s calling us to share our witness. To tell the truth about what we’ve seen,  what we’ve heard, and what we’ve experienced. And he does not leave us alone to figure out how to do this.  As we study the biblical accounts of Ascension Day, we’ll see that he promises the Holy Spirit, who will give us the power to share our faith and through our ordinary, daily testimony, he will multiply his disciples and increase his kingdom. 

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