Courtney Jacob

Questions & Answers

Have you ever been stumped by a Bible verse or confused by the meaning of a story in scripture? Or have you wondered what the Bible says about a particular situation in your life? You’re not alone.

New and life-long believers alike grapple with questions as they seek to grow in relationship with God. We’re grateful that many have turned to Groundwork for help in seeking the answers to the questions they have about scripture. Our Groundwork series “Questions & Answers” is a compilation of episodes in which we address some of the interesting and challenging questions we’ve received. You’ll find the topics both theological and practical in nature.

Questions & Faith

We believe that biblical inquiry can strengthen our faith, that’s why at the end of every Groundwork conversation, we ask you to share what you’d like us to discuss on Groundwork. It’s clear that many listeners are curious about the book of Revelation and the End Times. Many Christians want to know more about the work of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, like speaking in tongues. Reading about these topics in the Bible leads many of us to ask even more questions that demonstrate our desire to clarify and understand. In every Groundwork conversation, our hosts draw on their years of study and pastoral ministry to share the Bible’s answers. 

We’ve also received many questions about funeral customs, homosexuality, women in leadership, and more. All of these questions arise as we encounter new life circumstances or need to make important life decisions, and as we seek to understand how our faith applies to the details of life.

But most importantly, the questions that arise along our faith journey represent our longing to grow in relationship with God and to please him. Questions about prayer, Bible translations, and God’s grace are just a few of the topics we engage as we seek to help you find the Bible’s answers to your most asked questions.

God Engages Our Questions

Thankfully, God also longs to be in a relationship with us and welcomes our questions. Whether we’re perplexed, concerned, or curious, God engages our questions. Consider books like Job, Psalms, and many of the Old Testament prophets—there is certainly no lack of questioning within their pages. Throughout scripture, we see God’s people cry out with questions and we also see a God that answers. The answers may not always be as direct or black-and-white as we’d like, but every answer helps us learn more about the heart and will of God.

Learning Together

I invite you to explore our Groundwork series “Questions & Answers.” In these episodes, you’re likely to find discussions about questions you’ve been wondering yourself.

Have a question you’d like to hear about on Groundwork? Send it to us today! Together we’ll continually seek answers to our questions in scripture and lay a solid foundation for our faith.

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