Faith Questions We All Ask

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Questions & Answers

Faith Questions We All Ask

December 25, 2020   •   Matthew 4:1-11 Psalm 13 Romans 5:8 Matthew 25:31-46

As we experience new or unexpected situations in our daily lives, it’s right and good to see them through the lens of our Christian faith. But what happens when they cause us to ask questions of our faith? A trusted faith community is a valuable resource for biblically sound advice and answers. That’s why we’re thankful to dig into scripture with you. Let’s discuss some of the questions faithful believers have sent to Groundwork this year, questions like: “Do we still need the Old Testament or has the New Testament replaced it?”  “Does God really love me? If he does, why is my life falling apart?” and “ Will we make it through the pandemic? Where is the hope?” We’ll seek answers to these questions from scripture and be encouraged as we grow stronger in faith together. 

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