Discipleship During Life's Tragedies

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Growth in Christian Discipleship

Discipleship During Life's Tragedies

June 4, 2021   •   Job 1:13-22 Psalm 56:8 1 Peter 5:7 Job 42:10-11

There are so many unexpected situations in life that are beyond our control and that have a profound impact on our faith: the death of loved ones, natural disasters, lost jobs...How do we respond with faith when we suffer? What happens to our discipleship while we experience grief, pain, frustration, and anger? How can we be sure that tragedy and trauma don’t shatter our faith? Join us as we study scriptures together and receive assurance that God cares about all your experiences and emotions, good and bad. Find out what the Bible says it takes, and what God provides, to stay the course of discipleship in the midst of life’s tragedies. 

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