Cultivating a Biblical Perspective on Money, Wealth, and Possessions
God Cares and Will Provide, Trust Him
June 2, 2023 • Nehemiah 9:6 Psalm 145:15-16 Matthew 6:25-34 Philippians 4:10-13
The Bible repeatedly makes clear that it is God’s nature to provide for his creation. And in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clearly teaches us not to worry (Matthew 6:25-34). Join us as we study Scriptures that teach us about God’s providence. We’ll talk about the difference between worry and having proper concern for our circumstances. We’ll discuss God’s character and his involvement in our lives, and what it means for us to trust in God’s provision. Finally, we’ll examine how our belief informs the way we think and pray about our needs and our finances. Together, we’ll consider practical ways we can demonstrate our trust in God’s providential care both in times of need and times of plenty.