Jars of Clay

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2 Corinthians

Jars of Clay

July 1, 2016   •   2 Corinthians 4:1-12

"I'm not a missionary or pastor, what could I possibly say?" "I'm not trained in the Bible, I haven't been to seminary, what if I get wrong?" "They don't want to hear me talk about Jesus. If I say I'm a Christian, they won't take me seriously." No matter what our reasons, our fear of rejection and insecurity lead many of us to find witnessing and evangelism intimidating. We may believe we aren't good enough or that our message isn't flashy enough to compete with culture. But Paul says none of that is necessary. You are a tool for God, his jar of clay. Just the way you are, with your life story and life experiences, you are useful and capable of preaching his message. 

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