Lament: A Faithful Response to Tragedy

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Biblical Advice for Living Faithfully in Trying Times

Lament: A Faithful Response to Tragedy

August 14, 2020   •   Psalm 13 Psalm 55 Romans 14:7

As individuals, communities, and a society we’ve experienced significant loss this year—some of us have lost loved ones, others have lost a sense of security, and many of us grieve relationships and our loss of normalcy.  Questions like “why?” and “how long?” groan within us as we weigh facts and opinions and try to make the best decisions possible for our families and communities. As we experience lives altered by the COVID-19 pandemic and we come face to face with the disparity and inequality it has brought to light in our society, what should our response as Christians be? Together, let’s turn to scripture and allow scripture to guide us in lament, a response that engages our faith and acknowledges our reality.

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