Remembering Jesus' Sacrifice on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

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Journey Through Holy Week

Remembering Jesus' Sacrifice on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

March 31, 2023   •   John 13:34-35 Mark 15:1-15 Matthew 27:45-50

After three days of teaching, Jesus gathers privately with his disciples to observe the Jewish Passover meal. During his time with them, he institutes what we now observe as the Lord’s Supper, or Communion. As they sit together, Jesus gives them a new command to “love one another.” Soon after, in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus is arrested, tried, and finally crucified. All throughout these events, Jesus demonstrates humility and displays the kind of servant Messiah he is. Join us as we study Jesus’ sacrifice and the example he sets for us on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Together we’ll discuss the origins and meaning of these holy days in Scripture, re-examine our expectations, and reflect on Jesus Christ’s example and its influence on our mindset and behavior today. 

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