Spiritual Attacks and the Armor of God

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Ephesians: A Summary of the Gospel and What it Means for How We Live

Spiritual Attacks and the Armor of God

February 4, 2022   •   Ephesians 6:10-24

Have you ever felt like your faith was under attack? In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul warns believers to expect spiritual attacks on their faith. He makes it clear that the devil will always be scheming to undermine and distract them. This continues to be true for us today. But thankfully, Paul also makes sure to remind us of how God has equipped us to defend ourselves. Paul calls this the “armor of God.” Rightly understood, this passage gives us strength and confidence in our faith, but it is a passage that has also been misused in Christian history. Join us as we study Paul’s imagery to better understand his purpose and intent, discuss how this passage has been misused, and apply this to how we live our faith today. 

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