The Anticipation of Holy Saturday and the Thrill of Easter Sunday

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Journey Through Holy Week

The Anticipation of Holy Saturday and the Thrill of Easter Sunday

April 7, 2023   •   John 19:38-20:23 Luke 23:55-24:47 Matthew 28:16-20

Holy Saturday is the day between Good Friday and Easter. For the majority of Western churches, there are no special services or particular events we celebrate on this day. What would we celebrate…Jesus Christ is utterly, completely dead in the tomb. But as Christians, we already know Jesus is risen and we eagerly anticipate celebrating his victory over death through his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Join us as we ponder and reflect on Jesus’ death and what the Bible tells us happened on Holy Saturday. Then together we’ll read the gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection and the first encounters with the risen Lord on Easter Sunday. Together, we’ll join Christians around the world in the Easter celebration as we again remember the unexpected, mind-blowing thrill of our salvation and victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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