When Discipleship Growth Stalls

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Growth in Christian Discipleship

When Discipleship Growth Stalls

May 28, 2021   •   Acts 10:34-48 Galatians 2:11-16 James 1:22-27 1 John 1:8-10 Philippians 3:12-14

Sometimes the things we do and say are out of sync with the faith we profess to believe as disciples of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we make mistakes and consequently experience setbacks in our discipleship journey. These seasons of stagnation in our spiritual growth are not necessarily evidence of weak faith or failure. Even the Apostle Peter experienced setbacks in his journey of discipleship. Scripture is clear that God is with us even during these seasons, guiding and helping us understand what he expects and what he is doing for us. Join us as we study the scriptures to better understand the value of repentance and the ready abundance of God’s grace and forgiveness for reinvigorating our own discipleship growth. 

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