Why Jesus Had to Die on a Cross

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The Cross of Jesus

Why Jesus Had to Die on a Cross

March 4, 2022   •   Genesis 3:14-15 Romans 5:12-17 Isaiah 10:1-3 Habakkuk 1:2-4 Jeremiah 31:31-34

Sometimes habits or traditions become so ingrained in our lives that we can go through the motions of them without spending much time reflecting on their meaning. Sometimes, it benefits us to slow down and once again ask, “why?” We’ll begin our Lenten series “The Cross of Jesus” by examining scriptures that help us answer the question, “Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?” Together, we’ll grow in our faith by seeking to understand what went wrong, recalling God’s covenant, and remembering God’s character and love so that we can better understand why Jesus Christ’s awful death was necessary. 

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