Courtney Jacob

Questions & Answers

New and life-long believers alike grapple with questions as they seek to grow in their relationship with God. Find the answers to your practical and theological questions in scripture with Groundwork and together we’ll build a solid foundation for our faith.

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Courtney Jacob

The Christmas Thread

Like a single thread woven through a garment, the promise of Christmas is woven through all of scripture. Study “The Christmas Thread” with Groundwork and deepen your appreciation for the immense gift of salvation initiated by Jesus Christ’s birth.

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Robin Basselin

Ruth: Love and Faith in Action

Ruth is no stranger to suffering. A woman of meager means and very few options, her story reveals how God can use consistent acts of ordinary faithfulness, devotion, and love to further his extraordinary plan of salvation.

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Courtney Jacob

I Belong to Jesus

Why has generation after generation of believers found comfort in the Heidelberg Catechism? This Reformed teaching tool connects faith to our everyday life experiences and offers comfort to ease our anxious hearts. Grow in understanding your place in God’s family and story through the episodes of our Groundwork series “I Belong to Jesus.”

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Courtney Jacob

Naomi: An Example of Steadfast Faith

When life beats us down and makes us question what God is doing to us, or if he even cares, we need to look no further than Naomi in the book of Ruth for the encouragement to remain steadfast in our faith.

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Courtney Jacob

The Beginning

Turn the pages of your Bible back to Genesis and rediscover why we Christians believe what we do. Revisit the familiar stories of Creation, the Fall, Cain and Abel, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel to discover how these stories inform our beliefs about God’s character, humanity, salvation, and the world.

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