Christopher Hunt

Do You Know the Seven Deadly Sins?

How well do you know the Seven Deadly Sins, pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust? Society takes a light view of them even though most would agree each sin produces bitter fruit. Inspired by scripture, the seven sins illustrate a set of attitudes to be combated and conquered by the fruits of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life.

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Courtney Jacob

Work Faithfully

No matter how we feel about work, it's a part of life. Get biblical insight to counteract culture's efforts to use your work to determine your value, strengthen your understanding of vocation, and orient yourself in God's perspective so that you can work faithfully for the greatest impact possible.

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Courtney Jacob

The 5 Faithful Sayings

Sometimes the easiest way to decide if something is worth our time and attention is if a trusted family member or friend recommends it. The Apostle Paul gives his stamp of approval to particular teachings of the early church and studying these apostle-approved sayings can return us to the core essentials of the gospel.

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Courtney Jacob

Waiting is the Hardest Part

Waiting is frustrating and difficult. But God’s timing always seems to involve making us wait. Learn to harness the benefits of waiting and make your seasons of waiting more productive.

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Courtney Jacob

Can I Ask a Question?

Discover the impact that asking questions has on your faith by studying biblical stories; then impact what you hear by adding your voice to the Groundwork conversation.

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Consider the relationship between the head and the heart in the act of confession and reflect on the influence each has on our willingness to admit our identity as sinners.

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