Category: Advent
November 22, 2024
Your Questions about Christmas
Did the Christmas story really happen? Wasn’t Christmas originally a pagan holiday? Why do some churches celebrate Advent? Dig into Scripture with us to answer commonly asked questions about Christmas and Advent.
Questions & Answers
December 22, 2023
Jesus: Our Prince of Peace
Let's dig into Scripture to discover the deep and meaningful shalom that Jesus brought to us in his birth, a peace that he promises to establish permanently when he returns, and that we can share now as his witnesses to the world.
December 15, 2023
Jesus: Our Everlasting Father
Let's discuss how our understanding of the Triune God clarifies how Jesus is our Everlasting Father and together, we'll discover the comfort and belonging he brings us.
December 8, 2023
Jesus: Our Mighty God
Let Scripture reveal the truth of Christ’s deeds and character, and explore with us how his presence as a helpless baby displays—not the smallness, but the awesomeness of God’s power.
December 1, 2023
Jesus: Our Wonderful Counselor
As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let's discuss what it means that Jesus is the wisdom of God and therefore, truly is a wonderful counselor whose guidance, when we seek and follow it with humility, will keep us on the right path.
December 23, 2022
Jesus, Shepherds, and Angels: A Savior is Born
Reflecting on the good news of Jesus Christ’s birth and the magnificent message the angels delivered to the shepherds brings comfort, renewed hope, and a greater understanding of how God works in our lives still today.
The Cast of Christmas
December 16, 2022
Joseph: The Virgin Birth and Prophecies Fulfilled
Studying Joseph’s experience reveals the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, clarifies God's understanding of righteousness, and gives us the confidence to trust God’s continued presence and faithfulness in our lives.
The Cast of Christmas
December 9, 2022
Mary: The Angel Gabriel Foretells Jesus' Birth
Studying Mary’s role and response to Gabriel offers us valuable reminders for our faith and helps us better understand our place in God’s story.
The Cast of Christmas
December 2, 2022
Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus
Just like we set aside time to prepare for life’s events, God set aside time and sent people ahead to prepare the world for salvation.
The Cast of Christmas
November 25, 2022
The Magi: A Reminder that Jesus Came for All Nations
Contemplating what the presence of the Magi means and examining our hearts in the light of this truth is fitting for Advent and prepares our hearts well to once again celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The Cast of Christmas
December 24, 2021
Christmas Hope: Mary and Christ's Birth
Discover a God and a Savior who does not move away from our sin and pain, but instead comes alongside us in our Christmas reflection on Mary's story and Christ's birth.
December 17, 2021
Christmas Hope: Bathsheba
Life is messy and filled with brokenness. Through Bathsheba’s story, we’ll remember why Jesus needed to come, seek the truth of God’s abundant forgiveness, and celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas.