Jesus Teaches about Entering God's Kingdom, False Prophets, and Strong Foundations

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The Sermon on the Mount: Famous Teachings of Jesus

Jesus Teaches about Entering God's Kingdom, False Prophets, and Strong Foundations

September 23, 2022   •   Matthew 7:13-29

Matthew’s record of the Sermon on the Mount concludes with three crucial warnings. Jesus cautions his followers to enter through the narrow gate, to watch out for false prophets, and to be like a wise man who builds his house on a rock. Through each of these teachings, Jesus offers his followers valuable wisdom for staying focused and rooted in God’s grace.  He reminds us that there is only one way into God’s kingdom, he gives us the resources we need to protect our gift of faith, and he again offers us his boundless grace. Join us in studying these teachings and together we’ll come to better understand how to recognize the distractions and lies of our world and gain strength to weather the storms of life. 

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