Category: Reading the Bible
January 10, 2025
Repentance, Forgiveness, and Sin's Consequences
God sends his prophet Nathan to confront King David about his sins. As we study their exchange, we witness God’s mercy in action and discover important differences between punishment and consequence in the light of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
David and Bathsheba
January 3, 2025
Learning from the Sins of King David
Studying David’s fall from grace, the consequences of his actions, and his journey illuminates our own path toward honesty, repentance, and a life that pleases the Lord.
David and Bathsheba
September 23, 2022
Jesus Teaches about Entering God's Kingdom, False Prophets, and Strong Foundations
Join us in studying Jesus' warnings to enter through the narrow gate, to watch out for false prophets, and to be like a wise man who builds his house on a rock, and together we’ll come to better understand how to recognize the distractions and lies of our world and gain strength to weather the storms of life.
September 16, 2022
Jesus Teaches about Money, Worry, and Judging People
Study Jesus’ caution and instruction so that we might keep ourselves ever aligned with God’s kingdom priorities lest money, worry, or our judgment of others lead us away from God.
September 9, 2022
The Lord's Prayer: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray
Learn to pray like Jesus so that we can better nurture this spiritual habit and cultivate a healthy relationship and strong communication with our God.
September 2, 2022
“You Have Heard it Said”: Jesus Teaches Us How to Understand God's Law
Let’s study Jesus’ explanation of God’s law to gain a deeper understanding of both the letter and the heart of God’s law.
August 26, 2022
Salt and Light: A Kingdom Perspective on Jesus' Followers in the World
Using the images of salt and light, Jesus tells us our value and our potential as he sees it and who we are as God's people in the world.
August 19, 2022
The Beatitudes: A Kingdom Perspective on People who are Blessed
Jesus corrects our understanding of who is blessed and teaches us how we should be…or become…if we want to reflect the kingdom of God in our own lives.
October 8, 2021
You Shall Not Covet
Study the tenth commandment that tells us not to covet so that we can better understand the spiritual and relational implications of coveting and identify ways we can combat covetousness and enhance gratitude in our lives.
The Ten Commandments
October 1, 2021
You Shall Not Give False Testimony
In what ways might we break the ninth commandment without realizing it? What does this commandment reveal about the condition of our hearts? What can we do to cultivate practices of truthfulness in our daily lives?
The Ten Commandments
September 24, 2021
You Shall Not Steal
Study the eighth commandment to better understand the damage stealing causes in our relationships, what it says about the state of our hearts, and what attitudes we can cultivate to help curb any temptation to steal something for our own benefit.
The Ten Commandments
September 17, 2021
You Shall Not Commit Adultery
Discover why marriage is sacred, why adultery is so particularly intimate and painful, and how we find the hope and grace to help us forgive or receive forgiveness and recommit to keeping this commandment.
The Ten Commandments
Blog Posts
January 3, 2025
David and Bathsheba
Explore the story of David and Bathsheba from 2 Samuel with Groundwork. Together, we’ll unpack the themes of sin, grace, accountability, and...