Salt and Light: A Kingdom Perspective on Jesus' Followers in the World

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The Sermon on the Mount: Famous Teachings of Jesus

Salt and Light: A Kingdom Perspective on Jesus' Followers in the World

August 26, 2022   •   Matthew 5:13-16

In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:13-16), Jesus speaks about our identity and character. He declares that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Using these two images, he tells us who we are as his people in the world. He’s telling us our value and our potential as he sees it and again God is giving us a chance to see ourselves from his kingdom perspective. Let’s explore these images so we can better understand what they mean for how we behave and how we should interact with God’s world as his disciples.  We’ll discuss the temptations we might face and grapple with what Jesus means when he warns us about losing our saltiness or hiding our light. Together, we’ll grow in our kingdom perspective and understanding of how God values us and how we represent his kingdom in our world today, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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