Justice in the Bible and Christianity

What does the Bible say about justice? What does biblical justice look like? How do the Creator God and his Son Jesus Christ talk about justice? How should Christians respond to injustice? We all desire justice in our lives and our communities. We’re rightly outraged by corruption and evil. But what about racial and social justice? Both the Old and New Testaments reveal that justice is not only close to God's heart, but that true biblical justice is tied to righteousness and flows directly from God's own character.

The articles, Bible study podcasts, and resources listed below dig deep into God’s Word to answer tough questions about justice and its implications for the Christian life. We’ve curated these resources from Groundwork and others in the family of programs from ReFrame Ministries.

From Groundwork

Bible Study Podcast Series & Episodes

Blog Articles

From Family Fire

Become an Agent of Justice - blog by Rev. Deb Koster

Establishing Justice at Home - blog by Rev. Deb Koster

Be the Hero for Your Family - blog by Rev. Deb Koster

From Kids Corner

“A Heart for Justice” - a Kids in Action video

The Next Right Thing - devotion by Heather Altena

Power Tools: Take a Stand Against Bullying - ebook by Heather Altena and Ron VandenBurg

"Parable of the Good Samaritan" - audio Bible Story

From Church Juice

Communicating in Light of Racial Injustice - blog by Bryan Haley

From Think Christian

10 Pieces of Pop Culture Lamenting Racial Injustice - blog by Josh Larsen

Five Movies that Call for Racial Justice - blog by Jordan An

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