Boaz represents salvation for Ruth and Naomi. He’s a classic redeemer figure in the Bible, a clear foreshadowing of our redemption in Christ.

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Courtney Jacob

Job and the Problem of Suffering

There are so many ways that we seek to understand why we suffer and, further, why God allows suffering to continue in our world. Whether these questions come out as faint, pain-filled moans or frustrated, angry screams, we can find solace and confidence to remain steadfast in our faith in the biblical story of Job.

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Christopher Hunt

Has God Abandoned Me?

Has God abandoned me? Many people have asked this question at some point in their lives. If you are saying to yourself “God has abandoned me,” you’re not alone. Let’s remember together his promise never to leave us, never to forsake us.

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Courtney Jacob

Jesus: the Lion and the Lamb

The images in Revelation 5:5-6 of Jesus Christ as a lion and a lamb give us a glimpse of who Jesus Christ is from heaven’s perspective and assure believers that he indeed reigns and is in control, even now.

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Courtney Jacob

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Human suffering knows no boundaries. When our hearts ache with unbearable pain, when we feel utterly helpless, we cry out, “Why, God, why?” We may never feel like we get a clear answer, but in our suffering and lament God draws near and invites us to intimately encounter him.

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Scott Hoezee

What Is Providence?

Some say things in life just “happen.” Others claim we are caught up in God’s providential plan. Together let’s explore providence—what it is, what it is not, and how we can recognize it.

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