Courtney Jacob

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Human suffering knows no boundaries. When our hearts ache with unbearable pain, when we feel utterly helpless, we cry out, “Why, God, why?” We may never feel like we get a clear answer, but in our suffering and lament God draws near and invites us to intimately encounter him.

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Scott Hoezee

What Is Providence?

Some say things in life just “happen.” Others claim we are caught up in God’s providential plan. Together let’s explore providence—what it is, what it is not, and how we can recognize it.

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You’ve heard of the Seven Deadly Sins, but here we’ll narrow our focus on three sins of ingratitude: greed, gluttony, and lust. These deadly attitudes of thanklessness convert what God provides to sustain, delight, and bless us into false gods that curse, cost, and dissatisfy. There’s only one remedy: to be thankful.

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Courtney Jacob

The Fruit of the Spirit

In his letter to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul gives us a list of nine characteristics present in the life of an individual who belongs to Jesus Christ and walks in step with the Holy Spirit. By studying this list and recognizing these qualities in God’s own character, we uncover the Bible’s definition of Christian character and learn what these spiritual fruit look like in the lives of those who know Jesus Christ and are filled with his Holy Spirit.

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Courtney Jacob

The Last Teachings of Christ

The lessons and admonitions Jesus Christ imparts to his followers in the final week before his death offer us insight into how God desires our faith to transform our lives and our interaction with the world around us.

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Christopher Hunt

A Short Version of the Long History of Lent

Traditions of Lent have evolved over time. Yet, in spite of a turbulent church history, the essence of Lent remains largely unchanged from its earliest history. In recent years, Lent has seen a renewal among evangelical Christians. Where did Lent come from, and how has it changed over the centuries?

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