Courtney Jacob

When God Calls

Discover the concept of calling in the Bible so that when God calls you, you recognize his voice and are prepared to answer him.

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Courtney Jacob

Can We Prove the Bible is True?

Join the Groundwork conversation to discover why we believe the Bible is the word of God and why we can trust it.

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Courtney Jacob

The Biblical Story of Ruth

Studying the familiar biblical story of Ruth is more than feel good, comfort food. It can also be an eye-opening, soul-growing, faith-deepening experience.

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Courtney Jacob

Habakkuk: An Unexpected Place to Find Answers

Does it feel like God’s not answering your prayers? Are you wondering why God lets tragedy happen? The often overlooked book of Habakkuk is where you’ll find the answers.

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Courtney Jacob

Life after Death

Seeking biblical answers to your questions about heaven and life after death by studying scripture with Groundwork.

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Spiritual disciplines are like a workout for your faith, training the disciple of Jesus for godliness. Once such discipline, memorizing Scripture is form of Bible meditation that helps lay a foundation for good spiritual health and a fruitful life. Why and how do we memorize God’s Word?

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